Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Oh How I Love Cheeses

Today Joe and I are hosting a Holiday Tea at Vita Community Living's head office. I can't get quite enough of the holiday cheer and decided that it would be fun to do something just before the holidays truly set in upon us. We decided, upon sage advice, not to cook anything. Instead we are going to assemble and display.

We've picked up some fine cheeses and some exotic crackers.

We've got some wonderful condiments, from cranberry preserve to fig jam.

We've got some fresh fruit and some baguettes.

And there will be plenty of coffee and tea.

Every day for the past week I've sent out an announcement to all staff about the coming celebration. Making as if Christmas was some little local rinky dink affair compared to the celebration of WEDNESDAY. There can't be anyone in the organization that doesn't know that we've got something going on today.

It struck me last night just how wonderful this whole thing was. Joe and I, together, are hosting a 'do' at work. It wasn't that long ago when we lived in a time where gay people did not live openly, were not acknowledged as couples, did everything to avoid notice. Now here we are part of a relationship both acknowledged and honoured at work. Too, I will be there, as a person with a disability in an office that is fully accessible and where any of our members or staff with disabilities are welcome to drop by and participate.

Wednesday - the celebration = has been ramped and liberated - and not only that - there will be cheese.


  1. It sounds like quite the par-tay. Enjoy the day. I'm guessing a bunch of other people will, too!
    I'm guessing you and Joe know how to throw a shin-dig!

  2. Mmmmm...cheese...I love it - the stronger and smellier it is, then the better it is.

    However, take a tip - drop the namby pamby crackers; I don't care how 'exotic' they are - just take the cheese straight from the wrapper!!

    Enjoy your soiree guys!!

    Cheesy Cheers! :)

  3. Gary are you suggesting that crackers are sissy?

  4. You make me laugh, Dave. Thanks and have fun at your party. I wonder what you will have to say tomorrow?

  5. OOOOOOHHHHH the cheeses were sooooo good!! thanks again Dave and Joe (especially for the applewood smoked Cheader)

  6. Dear Dave:

    So many victories in that one party!

    It went well by the sounds of it - you had applewood smoked cheddar - that stuff is wonderful - and it goes well with or without crackers.

    I think I will not be able to read your blog for a few days now day, Dave, so I want to wish you and Joe the Merriest of Christmases and all the best in the New Year.


  7. Dave, me suggest that crackers are sissy??? Not me mate, no sir, I wouldn't dare, seriously, I wouldn't...

    Hmm, does the phrase 'Methinks he doth protest too much' ring any bells?

    Seriously, hope everything went well for you all!

  8. Ohhh cheeeeese....
    Hope it went great!

  9. Am I the only one who got the title? BRILL.


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