Monday, December 21, 2009


Today is my 57th birthday.

Joe and I are in Ottawa for the day to celebrate with Mike, Marissa, Joseph, Ruby and Sadie. There was pandemonium last night as we arrived at the hotel, having picked Joseph up in Belleville, and all the others arrived. Ruby made for the bed because the rule is that hotel beds are made to be jumped on. Joseph managed to participate in conversation, text his friends back home and watch television simultaneously. Mike and Marissa traded back and forth the responsibilities of parenting. Joe and I grew tired just watching the activity.

Sadie was up and alert watching the action and commenting with grins or grimaces - an amazingly effective communication strategy. It was wonderful watching her engage with the world and seek to make herself part of the goings on. She sat with me awhile. At just 3 months she was able to fix her gaze on me, and respond with little sounds as I spoke with her. Now the conversation wasn't taxing - How's little Sadie? Have you had a good day? Pull my finger - but she clearly wanted to be an equal responder in the interaction.

At heart, I guess, we are social creatures. This is probably why we've made the trek to Ottawa, the world's coldest national capital, to experience a wee bit of family. About 20 seconds after they left I had stripped and slipped into bed. It was wonderful, the quiet.

Today almost every moment of the day is planned. Except for right now. The couple of hours in the morning where Joe and I can just be quiet, have a cuppa tea, and I can write my blog. Like Sadie with me - I enjoy engaging with you all. I enjoy, in my way having this means of communication with the outside world. So thank you all for joining me, chatting with me, challenging me, affirming me ... thanks for spending some of your day with me.

So I'm off into a day that will end with cake. How cool is that?


  1. Happy Birthday, Dave! It sounds like there's wonderful, family-filled day ahead of you. Not to mention the cake! Enjoy.

    I, for one, am so glad you choose to spend a little bit of most day with us here, too!

  2. Buon Complianno my dear friend. Have a wonderful day and say hello to Mike, Marissa and the kids from all of us at Vita. I can't help thinking how cool it is that your 4days before and I'm 4 days after - that must have much to do with our similar outlook on things. HBTU

  3. Dave - Hope your birthday is full of joy and love. Enjoy your special day!

  4. Wishing you the happiest of Birthdays, Dave! Bundle up because it really is cold around here today. Don't go sticking your tongue on anything metal to see what happens, lol.

    Hey, I'd love to hear what Ruby thought of her message from Santa?

    Have a great visit...



  6. Happy, Happy Birthday Dave! I hope your birthday and your holiday is filled with love, laughter, family, and friendship.

  7. Hartelijk gefeeliciteerd! (I think it is spelled correctly! Since Manuela started the trend of many languages I thought I would add Dutch!

    Now, where's our cake? :)

  8. Happy Birthday Dave!!!!!
    So glad you have time to celebrate with friends and family. Enjoy!

  9. Yeah, cake! (Good idea, Belinda.) Yes, I've been waiting for three days to say this to you, Dave. Happy birthday, young man! And I hope you get not one gift along with the comment "Here. This is for your birthday AND Christmas."

  10. Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Hapyy Birthday, Happy Birthday
    Happy Birthday to you.

  11. Happy Happy Birthday Dave...
    Lots of Love
    Amanda,Lottie and Boon Whoof..Whoof XXX

  12. Happy birthday Dave! I'm so glad you were born.

  13. Dear Dave:

    Happy Birthday! from one winter solstice baby to another.

  14. Happy birthday!

    And you did *not* really tell a 3 month old to pull your finger, did you? :-P

  15. Happy Birthday, dear Dave!
    (and at least 57 more!)
    You are a treasure, not only to me and others on the internet, but to Joe and the people you work with and for.

  16. Hi Dave...Happy Birthday from a post-surgery insomniac!!

    Cheers m'man...

  17. Happy Birthday, Dave. What year were you born? I was born in 1975 :)

  18. Happy Day after your Birthday Dave!


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