Friday, November 27, 2009


Lecture 17 was a big tick. We finished up in Sheffield with a rousing day with a lovely audience. We have a printed schedule we are following, when the talks go well we give a big tick, when they go not so well we give a smaller tick. Like, i say, that was a big tick. Then the drive down to London and the last lecture of the tour. The traffic was terrible. The two and a half hour drive turned into a three and a half hour drive and then kept counting. We had figured we'd get in, have a tea in the bar and then get a good night sleep.

The hotel was barely accessible, we had to fight to get through doors, into elevators and the room has a bed that is so low that a new born baby wouldn't get hurt falling out of it. Our neighbour watched TV at a volume such that those in the bar at the other end of the building could hear it. After an hour or so we called and asked politely, because a fist could easily come through the wall, for the sound to be turned down.

So, already tired, I've just had my worst sleep of the entire trip. Now I gatta get up and be 'inspirational' when all I want to do is just call it a day - 'lost this one' and let it go. But I won't.

I wanted to run away from home once. I talked myself out of it. I'm trying to do the same here.


  1. good luck Dave....dig deep.....some days that start off this way turn out to be so much better.

  2. Sorry this isn't about your blog post but I thought you might be interested in it -

    Hope your day gets better!

  3. Hi Dave, saw you in Bradford and just wanted you to know that I used some of your words and examples that very evening with a group of kids who have nothing in common except low self esteem. They were perticularly impressed with the 'R' word story and managed to recognise the aggressive and passive responses solved nothing. This turned out to be a brilliant underlining of their understanding and need to be assertive and value themselves.
    Trouble is you're making me work so hard I've already had to rewrite four lesson plans and a Scheme of Work for other groups of adults learning personal development and sexuality stuff. Please try harder not to be so bloody entertaining and informative. Thanks,Mark.

  4. Yikes, that doesn't sound like a good trip don or a good night. Hope the speech goes a lot better.

  5. I can't wait to hear how wonderful the day is, because I know what is there and I know it will come out.

  6. Hang in there Dave, it will soon be over.

  7. At least your day wasnt this bad:

    A semi pushing a wheelchair down the highway at 50 mph.


  8. I was given an audience full of energy and enthusiasm today. I was able to work off their humour and their wit today ... I'm thankful that the trip ended well ... I owe about 50 people my thanks.

  9. Yeay! Great news! Now to be homeward bound.


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