Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hi, My Name is Cindy and I Am An ...

At breakfast I get a new motto for life:

We were seated overlooking a sunny morning. An elderly woman rushes by, surveys the available tables and then looks past us to her husband toddling along using his cane. She asked, 'What table would you prefer.' He said, without a hint of irony, 'I'd like one about a foot before collapse.'

At the movie theatre I get a new perspective - yeah it is that obvious:

We went to see A Christmas Carol in 3D and arrived a wee bit early. We sat outside waiting for the theatre to be cleaned from the previous showing and then we were let in. There were others waiting so we let them go first. When we got to the top of the ramp there was absolutely no wheelchair seating anywhere. There were three small stairs and then, past them, a perfect place to park the chair. I wanted no fuss, I'm not an activist every moment of every day, I got up. Joe hauled the chair up three steps and then helped me balance as I walked up the steps. As I was getting in the chair a grandmum with her grandson spoke to me, 'The facilities for the disabled here are terrible.' I nodded. Her boy, an outgoing kid said, 'Even I know there should be a ramp and I'm just 6.'

At the Marks and Spenser cafe I get a new appreciation for humour in tight spots:

A mom has bought a girl of about 4 one of those pre-inflated ballons that kids desperately want one minute and then turns into a horrible bother the moment it's purchased. She was trying to get it to stand up against the wall, propping the bottom of the stick against a plate. It would not stand. It kept crashing to the table. Little girl's whine increases in intensity and volume. She wants her balloon kept safe. Finally she says to mom, 'Why won't Cinderella stand up mom?' Mom says, 'She's drunk.'

And that dear readers is a glimpse into our Saturday in Edinburgh.


  1. Love it Dave - love the drunk Cinderella balloon!

  2. It sounds like an interesting day to say the least. I know there have been days where my beloved children have driven me so crazy I've said things like that...LOL.

  3. Ah Dave...Scottish wit and wisdom!
    You've made me very homesick...

  4. Welcome to my home town....I hope you enjoyed most of your stay, anyway!

  5. LOL!! That's quite the eclectic group!

  6. Now that's a great day to look back on fondly!


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