Monday, October 26, 2009

It Happens At One PM Today

Here is the portrait that will hang in the Canadian Disability Hall of Fame after today, and which will be on display 24 hours a day at Metro Hall as part of a permanent exhibit. I had to dig around to find a picture to send to the Hall of Fame people and have to say that the artist did a great job.

For those who cannot read the text on the bottom of the portrait, it reads:

For more than 30 years, David Hingsburger has fought to reduce the sexual victimization of people with developmental disabilities. A prolific author, lecturer and therapist, Hingsburger has campaigned fearlessly for greater awareness of the sexuality of people with disabilities while also coaching individuals with intellectual disabilities how to recognize and deal with problematic sexual behaviour. Hingsburger’s leadership and compassion have made it possible for more Canadians with disabilities to live with the dignity and respect that they deserve.

For those who would like to visit the hall of fame on line, please visit:

The Canadian Disability Hall of Fame

To read about each inductee, just click on their portrait.

I'll be back tomorrow to tell you about the day. I'm a wee to excited to write anything coherent right now.


  1. Very nice portrait. And what an honour Dave, hearthfelt conratulations.

  2. That's a really beautiful portrait! And congrats on the honor as well - terrific!

  3. Congratulations Dave, enjoy your day...

  4. Wonderful portrait! I'm so glad Belinda pointed the way here, Dave. Congratulations. I hope you treasure every moment of this day!

  5. Congrats Dave! Well deserved and what a great portrait :)

  6. It's a wonderful likeness. Congratulations on your induction into the Canadian Disability Hall of Fame!


  7. What a wonderful picture, Dave, it captures the strength and compassion.. and congratulations on this well-deserved recognition.

  8. Congrats Dave. A well earned honour! Can't wait to hear all about it tomorrow.

  9. Congratulations Dave! It's an honor to "know" you.

  10. Congrats Dave! The portait is beautiful, to say the least. What an honor. Enjoy your unveiling day.

  11. fantastic portrait. congratulations on the honor.

  12. Beautiful, and well deserved. Enjoy your moment in the spotlight!

  13. Take it all have had such an incredible impact on so many people......celebrate!!!!

  14. That is a beautiful picture--what a wonderful artist--it's very difficult to get portraits right. I like how it brings out your thoughtfulness in your expression. Congratulations on this very important award.

  15. Wow, Dave this is a long time coming and well deserved. It is now a must do for all of our staff team to read your blog everyday. You tell it like it is and admit your mistakes and share your successes and tips. When we find ourselves in a challenging situation we will often ask ourselves "What would Dave do or say" If we did this what would Dave say" . Congratulations.

    Julie from Ottawa

  16. Love it! Congratulations Dave!

    Adam's mom
    Niagara Falls, Ont.

  17. Gorgeous portrait. Congratulations to you.

  18. How did the one minute go?

    I've been wondering!


  19. Oh, and I completely forgot,


  20. That's a striking, excellent portrait. While I've only read your blog and watched a couple of short videos at your website, your wisdom, compassion and gentle humor combine to make you most deserving of honor. Bravo and congratulations, Dave.

  21. Revel in your accomplishments! Congratulations

  22. What a beautiful portrait, and what a well deserved award. Such expression captured in the drawing...

    I would be very happy if I could surround my daughter with people who, as one of your posters mentioned, asked themselves "what would Dave do?"

    What a difference you have made in this world!

  23. That is a nice portrait. It seems they changed the artist in 2003, which is good for you. Those poor winners look like they have splotchy faces. Yours is well done.


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