Monday, October 19, 2009

The Book Club Is Back!!

It's time for another book club here at Rolling Around In My Head. We've had two thus far, Thread of Grace and Zoo Station. Both wonderful books and both, by accident not design, set in the during the Second World War. The book chosen this time,The Lottery, is set in present times so will be a big change and a welcome relief to those who do not like historical fiction or tales of war.

Patrica Wood's book tells the tale of a man with a 76 point IQ, that extra point makes a huge difference to him because it means that he's not 'r@tarded'. This alone is worth discussing. The title gives away the only plot point I'm willing to mention here. The main character wins the state lottery. The book is not about the money but about what money does to those around him. Family, friends, acquaintences are very much affected by his winning.

His Grandmother taught him survival skills. She knew that the thorny issue of 'trust' was a difficult thing for him and therefore ensured that he had some rules to follow. Extremely thoughtful parenting there.

The book is not as predictable as its plot may suggest. I was taken aback by the twists and turns and found myself tensing up at a very realistic portrayal of preditors and prey.

An interesting read. It's newly released in paperback so it won't be too expensive.

Here's what happens. All you do is sign up here in the comments section. If we get 7 or more signed up, we'll go ahead and set a date for the book club. Right now I'm thinking the first week of January. That will give everyone a lot of time to get the book and get reading it. It also will time well with the book club at work. Vita has a book club and we'll be doing The Lottery in January as well.

Hop on board, the last two were wonderful, this book looks to be the same.


  1. I'm in - it sounds like a good book. I just added it to my wish list on and will use my next credit to get it to listen to while I drive.

  2. The book club arrived just in time to add The Lottery to my Xmas list.
    I really surprised myself last time as I enjoyed reading Zoo Station far more than I thought I would.

    I'm in.


  3. Count me in- it sounds like an interesting book!

  4. I'm in!
    Susan Ludwig Goharriz

  5. I just reserved it at the library (yay for a completely online system).

  6. If I can get a copy here in Oz, I'm in...

  7. Hi I would love to be part of the book club. I am going out this afternoon to get the book if I can find it here. I would like to pick up the other two books you mentioned as well. There are two books called the Zoo Station listed in Fantastic Fiction with two different authors. Who is the author of the one your previous book club was on.


  8. I'm in - sounds like a good read.

  9. You mentionned this book awhile ago.It was a good read!

  10. I'm in forsure! sounds like an interesting read.

  11. Add me to the list too. The book sounds intriguing.

  12. Of course i'm in! Wouldn't miss it and it sounds like an intersting read, what with being a parent.

  13. And me!

    I thought that the protagonist of The Lottery was on the autistic spectrum.

    Yes, it was very popular for a while there in 2008. Papa did not like it because it reminded him too much of Forrest Gump (the film, not the book).

  14. ok, we're on! I'll do an update in December and then pick a date in January ... Rah

  15. Dear Dave:

    I loved the other books. Count me in for this one.


  16. In too - ordered it this morning from Amazon -

  17. Please add me to the list for the book club. Thank you.

  18. Sign me sounds fantastic. i am a huge fan of yours Dave. I saw you speak at The Equal Justice conference for Arc NJ in April. I have followed your blog for years. Can't wait to read the book

  19. Just ordered mine from the local library, you must have a lot of readers in my town Dave as all 10 copies are reserved! Looking forward to reading it.

  20. I am in, sounds very interesting!!

  21. I'm in! Any excuse to spend the afternoon in Borders.... haha

  22. I'm in! Sounds great.

  23. Aloha!
    Thank you so much for selecting my novel!
    Please feel free to send on any questions you have.
    Or ask them on my blog,
    Much aloha,
    Patricia Wood

  24. I am in, I asked someone for a copy.

  25. I read the book based on your recommendation, and reviewed in on my blog Curious, Healing: Lottery by Patricia Wood.

    Thanks for the pointer!

  26. Hi,

    I am in.



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