Monday, June 15, 2009

Dance To The New Day!!!

Yesterday's post was supposed to be quite different. I had planned a week or so ago to write something more celebratory and commemorative than the one that I did on the wedding. But none of us control time and circumstance. I wanted to write what I wrote yesterday so I did.

Then it struck me, today is kind of special too ...

While yesterday was my 1000th post, this is my 1001 post on Rolling Around in My Head (Nee Chewing The Fat). It astonishes me that the blog ever reached this age. Long time readers know my intention was to write a blog for only a year. Well that deadline came and went without missing more than a day or two.

So in honour of this moment in my blog's history, I'm going to ask you to do one of four things for me today:

One: I'd like to know if any of you have a favourite post from the archives. I know which posts get the most comments but I'm not sure that those are necessarily the ones that people like the best. So, please, let me know if one sticks out in your memory.

Two: If you are a regular reader but have never commented, I'd ask you to think about just saying hello today. I won't ask for another 1000 days so it won't be a drain on you.

Three: Just for fun try slipping either the phrase 'rolling around in my head' AND 'chewing the fat' into your conversation today ... just a fun little thing to help me commemorate this occasion.

Four: Register for my lecture on Friday here in Toronto and come say hi! I've met a lot of readers over the last couple of weeks, it's been great.

In return I promise to try and keep up the daily posts - I've come to rely on writing this blog to help me understand my life and understand where I'm going. I've appreciated all the wonderful things I've learned from your comments and emails. I'm privileged to have been allowed into so many lives.

So, back tomorrow with something that's rolling around in my head ... some thing we can chew the fat about. See, easy.


  1. How exciting, If I write quickly I'll be the first commenter of the day! I have been a daily reader since about half way through your first year. I don't know how I stumbled upon your blog, as I have no part in the disabled community, but I thoroughly enjoy your writing style and how much your comments make me reconsider certain aspects of my existence. I've been meaning to write you an email, to go a little more in depth in my 'thanks', but never find the time. Your request today prompted me to comment. Hopefully I'll eventually get that email written but in the meantime, please know that you've impacted my life.
    Thanks again,
    Jocelyn DUffort
    Living in Luxembourg

  2. Although I don't comment every day I want you to know that I do read your blog every day. It helps me as I get ready to work as an RCW with a mentally ill patient. I look forward to your insight and I have had the pleasure of hearing you speak one time as well.

    Please continue writing - it matters to so many people.


  3. Damn Blogger ate my VERY LONG comment to you

    Short version: I plan to read every one of your 1000 entries and then let you know. I never thought to check the archives. I love them ALL and they touch my heart so much. I read every single day.

  4. Hello

    I have left an occassional comment but not often. Nevertheless, I do read you every day and you definitely have a way with words.

    My favourite post was the one when Henry was delivered. I really identified with the excitement of that regained mobility and independence. I am also in the process of getting mobile and have high hopes of a chair and car eventually. The same week you posted it, I had been trialling different combinations of adaptations and chairs. Even though it was only for an hour, I got a feel of what may be to come in the future and I want it.

    If you ever get near London one day maybe I'll take you for coffee and we can swap chair stories(and Joe of course).

    Thanks for sharing Dave


  5. I think my favourite post is

    It always makes me cry. You blog and you just put those words out there with no idea what they will do and then you discover how much they can change someone's life.

  6. Hi Dave

    I've commented maybe three times at most. But I read every post with great interest, sometimes with a tear in my eye, sometimes with a grin on my face. Your blog helps me think through my experience of living with a mental health problem, of having worked with people who need support, of my own ablist attitudes.

    The post which immediately came to mind was are recent one: - it was so funny! I know most people will pick the more moving ones but humour is great too!

    And I want to say hi to Joe too!

    Thanks and looking forward to another 1000!


  7. Kris Stableford15 June 2009 at 05:23

    #1 is a hard question, because there have been so many posts that have moved me, made me laugh, or pissed me off (sometimes all three things in one post!) I figured the best thing for me to do would be to check on which posts I'd forwarded to others (I know there have been LOTS), and the last note about CTF or RAIMH I passed along had to do with two posts, one that touched me and made me laugh (the story of your Christmas tree) and another that pissed me off (your account a couple of days later of the response from the "Christian"). You write beautifully about your life, Dave, and I treasure your observations about the lives you encounter. Re #3, will definitely try to work in the catch phrases of the day.

    THANKS for all you do, Dave.

    P.S. I recently sent an E to your hotmail account about the possibility of having you return to central Michigan later this year. Please take a look and let us know if you schedule might permit such a trip.

  8. I have so many favourite posts that it's hard to narrow it down. I love the "Toast" post...and the one where you bust the staff person shopping for bras while on duty. And so many more. I love stories that make me cry and stories that make me laugh and stoies that make me think and you write all of those. Congrats!

  9. I look forward to seeing you on Friday. I have heard you before when you have come to Brantford and I tell my students regularily that if they ever have the opportunity to see you they must go. Congrats on 1001!!

  10. Hi Dave

    Congratulations on 1001 posts.I am a regular reader and this is my first comment ever,ah a blog commenter virgin no longer.
    I have loved reading so many of your entries it's extremely hard to pick just one. The one that sticks in my mind and heart the most would be "The Good Girl" posted on Wednesday,January 24, 2007.Looking forward to the next 1000, no pressure. Thankyou so much Dave, you have taught me so many things through your writing.

    Down Under

  11. Dave, you are a wordsmith of the first order. I just recently started reading your blog and have enjoyed every entry. Keep writing.

  12. Delurking as requested! Congrats on the 1001th post--I hope you reach the 10001th one!

    I love your blog. Your words have reshaped my thinking and behavior only for the better. You affect so many lives beyond the borders of your training sessions. These glimpses of your life and work enrich us all immeasurably.

    Blessings to you and Joe,


  13. Cheers and blessings on your 1001st, amazing accomplishment and I've been moved on so many occassions by your words, thank you would never be enough!
    Stef in the valley

  14. I start every day reading your blog. I am so disappointed on the few days you are unable to post. There are so many blogs that I have been touched by that I can't choose just one as a favorite. In one of the comments, a reader asked about a trip to Michigan. Please let us know if you will be coming to Michigan. I will be there! Thanks for all you do! Pat

  15. I think my favorite one is the one where you let us know what happened with the lady you gave the note to.

    Congratulations on 1001!

  16. I have 2 posts that come to mind immediately. The Boxing day one about the e-mail from that horrid person (you know the one) because it disturbed and upset me so much that someone could do that. The second was "in his eyes" I think it was called because I know the young man mentioned in the post and your compassion for him brought tears to my eyes. He is still struggling mightily and I am not sure he will overcome his demons but I do think of your post when he is mentioned. thankyou, I read you every day and congrats on OVER 1,000 posts!

  17. I've been reading for a few months, and I love every single piece you've written. Please keep writing!

  18. I have been reading for years but I think only commented once. Congrats on so many excellent posts and I hope you continue for a long time!

    I know I have had favorite posts, but I can't think of many right now... This is one I think of. I loved it!

  19. I have been reading your blog for almost a year now. I found out about it through one of my instructors- I'm in the DSW program, and he sent our class a mass email with the link to your blog.

    When I first started reading, I went back through the archives but nothing really caught my attention. I'm going to go through them again.

    This blog really opened ,y eyes to the sufferings of people with disabilities, and actually made me proud of mine. I don't hide it from people anymore- I'm no longer ashamed of it.

    I met you last year, at the seminar you did at Countryview Golf Course- some of my classmates and I took the day of classes to go to the seminar. It was enlightening (much like your blog) and shocking too.

    The post that sticks out most with me is from January 14th. Requiem.

    I also printed out your post on the day they closed the final institutions, and gave it our program head. I do believe he was as excited as you were that day. He took the article and had it photocopied, and gave it to the entire class as a handout.

    Thanks for so openly sharing your life with us Dave. I can say it has been a pleasure to travel this road with you, since I first found your blog.

  20. Hi Dave,
    I have been a regular reader for a couple of years and have never left a comment, but since you wanted to know who is silently lurking out here I'll put my hand up.
    My favourite post is the one you wrote on September 24, 2007 titled "Unbowed". This isn't the post that I found most touching or the one that gave me the biggest laugh but it's the one that has made the biggest impact on me. I read Unbowed at a time when I was just begining a job as a Behaviour Therapist - a position I wasn't looking for but that through a number of circumstances I ended up in. I entered this position with a sense of trepidation; I know that damage that has been done to people in the name of behaviour therapy and I didn't want in any way to repeat those atrocities. I read your post, printed it and tacked it on the wall in front of my desk. I have seen it everyday since and it reminds me of the trust and huge responsibility that I have been given and of my committment, like yours, to always be aware of the lines that should never be crossed. I teach skills, modify environments, train staff and try to build understanding but I will never write a compliance program. Thanks Dave.


  21. Hi, Dave

    Congratulations on the thousandth post. I haven't been a reader for very long, only since December. One of the earliest posts that I read was titled "Cold," and it had a very profound affect on my appreciation of how cavalierly we all may be in heaping indignities on each other, people with disabilities or not. My favorite posts, generally, are those where you use your own experiences as a counterpoint to the experience of those you work with/for.

  22. Hi Dave,
    I read you every day and have probably been doing so for the past two years or more. I am the mother of a beautiful 16 year old young woman with Angelman Syndrome. I love all your posts but the one that stays in my head the most is your Ten Bits of Advice to parents. It really hit the spot with me and I've since shared it with other parents of Angelman Children.

    Thank you for sharing your insights and adventures with us. I look forward to reading the next 1000 posts.


  23. Congratulations! I'm a new follower ... a few months. You are a gifted writer. I am particularly touched by your affection and advocacy for people with Down Syndrome. I hope you come to NJ some time.

  24. Debbie from NJ15 June 2009 at 10:08

    I found your Blog through one of the Down Syndrome Yahoo groups I belong to. I've been reading your Blog every day for over a year, but have only commented a few times. You often give me a perspective I've never considered (and I pride myself on considering what someone else might be thinking or experiencing).

    One of the most memorable for me was what I call "God Rules", but you called "Half the Story":

    I'm working on teaching my eight-year-old daughter with Down Syndrome this concept -- there are rules (the God Rules) that we must always follow. Other rules are rather silly, or don't make sense, and we can sometimes break them!

  25. Happy 1001!

    I don't comment much, just because language for me is draining and annoying. I read you everyday.
    I don't have a favorite, I like them all.

  26. Greetings Dave
    From Australia
    I read your Blog every night before bed.
    I have to confess to identifying with a lot of your situations ad predicaments.
    Keep up the good work

  27. I want you to keep writing! No time limits. ;<)

    Mazel Tov.

  28. I've been a daily visitor since I saw you speak in New Jersey several months ago. Loved your presentation, and love the blog. I find myself sharing your posts with friends and co-workers regularly.

  29. I can't narrow it down to one blog, Dave. You provide insight on many of your blogs you put a smile on my face with others. Keep it up.

  30. I first started reading your blog by following a link for the "attended luggage" incident. I've been hooked ever since. I adore your sense of humor and joie de vivre. Be confident in your ability to inspire and teach others; it is a gift.

    Two of my favorite posts are "Toast" and "Carded". They are real-world lessons in behavior and attitude.

    Already your blog is influencing my thinking and behavior as a Special Olympics volunteer coach.

    So, thank you Dave, for rolling around in MY head.

  31. PS I read every day. But rarely comment. I work at a special needs summer camp (which is basically the best job ever) and I keep my eyes peeled for wheelchair access in random places now. Because of you!

    PPS I was in Cali for a few weeks, and a little boy in a wheelchair was going up this HUGE hill. He rocked it. In a manual wheelchair.

    PPPS. How do you respond to an awkward question? I had a girl with Down Syndrome ask me if I was pregnant. I said "nope, I'm just chubby" but I was sort of at a loss for words. I'd hate for her to catch the wrath of someone for asking a question like that.

  32. I like to start my day by reading your blog! I don't comment just like to roll it around in my head. Thanks Dave.

  33. Hi Dave,

    I found your blog via the Consumerist and have since read it first every day in my Google Reader. My partner has a disability (total blindness, since birth) and everyday is a new adventure of navigating the world, fighting our neighbors who park on the sidewalk, and getting bank tellers and grocers to talk directly to Scott instead of to me about him. I also work in disability services for University students. We live in San Francisco and he's not a blog lover but I am, and so I thoroughly enjoy you, your antics/adventures, and finnaly, happy 1001st.

  34. Hi Dave,
    I have a 3 year old daughter with Down syndrome. Two of my favorite posts are the one when the young lady with DS shows kindness & understanding to the frazzled mom in the food court, thereby reversing the attitudes of everyone watching (judging) that mom.(I think the post ended something like "What the hell is in that extra chromosome, anyway?") The other one that brought tears to my eyes was about the small child with DS in the bookstore reading alone in a chair.

    My girl is proof that there is a God. She is amazing.

    Thanks for sharing yourself with others.


  35. I just want to add my congratulations. I've been reading every day for perhaps two years now, but this is my first comment. I've shared your blog with a number of people, and it's opened my eyes in new ways as well. I can't think of a particular favorite post. Thanks!
    Cheryl in Illinois

  36. Hi Dave - I read Rolling Around in My Head almost every day. It's hard to pick a favorite, so many of your posts have touched me in so many ways. When I read your request, what jumped straight into my head was the one in which you described seeing your bum for the first in a long time. I laughed for a week!
    I work for a community living agency in BC and I have several family members who live with disabilities. I've seen you speak (back in Sept 2001 in Burnaby, BC). I hope that I get to meet you & Joe one day!
    Happy Summer!

  37. Hi, Dave,

    I've been a faithful reader for six months or so. I may have left one comment before. I am studying to be a speech-language pathologist, and many of my current (and future) clients are wheelchair users or have other kinds of disabilities. Reading your blog has been educational - and fun!

  38. I have commented a couple of times, and I've linked to your posts from my blog a couple of times.

    So far, I think my favorite post is the one with the old lady on the elevator, combining, as it does, two of my favorite subjects: disability and the use of the English language.

    I admire your discipline in posting everyday, and your observativeness (not a word, I know) and ability to turn everyday events into commentary.

  39. Goodness, I'm not sure which post I like best--it would be truly difficult to choose! I do particularly remember the ones about the lady at the grocery store and about the airport and your luggage, some about the R-word.

  40. Congratulations Dave! I have loved so many of your postings, but the one that I always remember is the one in which the young man with DS drives away in his car much to other's amazement. I loved it!! It's nice to shake up some people's worlds :)

    Oh and a shout out to Penny. I have taught and loved many kids with Angelman Syndrome. Will you be at the conference this year?


  41. Dave I have been shamefully 'lurking' since December 2007 after I attended your training days in Newcastle (England). I have wanted to comment on many occasions but have been intimidated by how amazingly well you write (and also envious of this skill, as I would love to be able to write so well!) I now work as an assistant psychologist in a learning disabilities team and your training has been BY FAR the most influential training I have ever attended, and I often think about it and apply it in my work. It is fair to say that I am addicted to your blog! and check at least every day for updates! I'm not sure about a favourite post because I love them all (I have tried to look back and find some particular posts for later points but there are definitely lots more I haven't mentioned.) One post I loved is "waiting" - unbelievable, so clever of you to think of that, and I'm so glad she called. What I love about your blog is the humour mixed with important lessons and reflections. And in addition I like reading your comments about your relationship with Joe, it sounds like such a beautiful thing that you have together, and having only been with my husband just over 3 years, something I definitely hope to still have after so long together. I found it sad when you have talked about other people's reactions and prejudice towards your relationship, the level of ignorance in the world continues to shock me (my husband is black and I am white so we also get a lot of ignorance and disapproval from others - I guess they must not have enough going on in their own lives!) I also like hearing about Ruby, she sounds very sweet!

    But the main reason I love your blog has to be the effect it has on my work and development, and the constant lessons in what you write. I very much admire that you are so open and honest about difficult topics, especially considering this is not an anonymous blog; it takes a lot of bravery and makes such a difference to help others in their own development in supporting others (For example "what kind of jerk am I?") You talk about lessons that you are learning now, which allows others to see that this is a normal process, and reflecting and learning is the important part. I like "Someone Else's Journey" for example because you make a very good point which I'm sure so many people in caring professions can relate to, and such posts can help to take away the blame/guilt factor which can be present for staff. It helps people to feel confident enough to admit to such difficulties themselves, which is the essential first step to working on it.

    I love the fact that you lack ego/arrogance that you could so easily have, being as successful as you are, and that many others who are less successful have (I know one or two and I am not keen on it at all), but I feel sad that it goes to the extent that you can feel unhappy about yourself, which is clearly so at odds with the way others view you (e.g. posts such as teeter/totter, and fingers.)

    I like that you get people involved, start debates, and accept that its OK for people to disagree(I must admit I could debate a few points if I had the confidence not to offend!)

    Thank you so much for the education, I aspire to achieve even a fraction of what you have in your career. Happy 1001! I would love to hear you speak again in future, maybe I will use it as an excuse to visit the lovely Toronto again when I have the funds!

    A big admirer,

  42. Hi Dave,

    I've read your blog daily for nearly two years now but have only posted a couple of times. Thanks for sharing so many of your experiences and wonderful insights. I've shared many of them with friends and family, as I'm sure most people reading here have. Wouldn't it be amazing to know just how far that ripple effect goes.

    I can't say which is my favourite post, but I know I've laughed out loud many times and certainly shed some tears over your stories.

    Keep on rollin'!

  43. Happy 1001!!

    I'm a regular reader & occasional Anonymous commenter :o)

    Not sure about which post would be my favorite.... I'm grateful for all of them.

    Can't make your talk on Friday, but I was lucky enough to have attended your "Behave Yourself" workshop last summer in Barrie.

    Congrats & Thanks for all that you do!!

    Liz :o)

  44. I found your blog last summer, and I've read it several times a week since then. It's been really inspiring to me.


  45. Peekaboo. Just another reader. Love your work and your blog.

  46. Hi Dave,

    I have been reading for a long time but this is my first comment. Happy 1001 post!

    I loved your post about the little girl's birthday party at the tea shop a few days ago. I love all of your posts about people with DS as my daughter has DS.

    It was great to meet you in person in Halifax. Say Hi to Joe and keep up the great job with your blog.

  47. happy 1001 Dave! I have only been reading for a few months and have yet to go through all of your archives so picking a fave is hard. The one that jumps out to me right now is the one about the glass of water, whether it is half full or half empty? Hehe I linked that one from a couple places as it really hit home!! Keep up the amazing writing and I look forward to all future posts!

  48. have been reading since you began,thanks to Belinda's recomm3endation. Favourite is still Poco Hor!

  49. I read every day, have rarely commented, and am not in a space tonight where I have a lot of words...but your writing and humor are always great. My work is with elders, lots of overlap with elders and other disabilities so I learn for work. I also learn for myself, as I have a disability that is not visible and struggle with being open vs. 'passing', etc. Thanks so much for sharing your experiences in such a clear way. Thanks to Henry for keeping your moving and to Joe for everything he does, and thanks to you for being you.

  50. I've been reading your blog every day for just a few months, ever since I followed a friend's link to a post in which you were waxing indignant over someone's inappropriate condescension.

    I hadn't dipped into the archives, but today I did. Every time I read another post in the 2006 archive I thought "oh, THIS one is my favorite!" But they all are.

    "Poco hor" is pretty memorable, largely because I think I can translate it, due to a long-ago friend with stroke-damaged speech. I bet it's "please come here."

    The post about the woman whose stuffed bunny was taken away caught my attention, too, and so did the man who was afraid that you'd give up on the idea of community living and people would have to go back to the institution.

    But when I read over the titles in the recent past, every one of them reminds me of something you said in that post.

    So: I don't have a favorite post. And you're on the list of blogs I read consistently. I don't do my blog-reading every day ... but I do catch up and read every one of your posts.

    Thanks for the clarity of observation you share with us. Thanks for the perspective and wisdom you share. Thanks for the beautiful combination of specificity and detail with wonderful respect for confidentiality. Thanks for modeling ways to talk about the hundreds of "differences" that humans let get in the way of friendship.

    And, fair warning, I remember some of the sad posts in 2006, too. And so I want to tell you that MinervaCat joins me in sending Many Blessings to you and Joe in your loss of Eric, and Many Blessings to Eric as he enjoys whatever he's doing these days.

    Hopewell, New Jersey, USA

  51. Hi Dave

    I've been reading you every day for about a year now. I've read most of the archives. I couldn't begin to pick a favorite post. Please don't stop blogging.

    You make me laugh, you make me cry, you make me think. I usually agree with you. I love hearing about your life. Keep rolling around in my head.

  52. Hi Dave,

    I have commented before but it's been a while that I have been lurking about. Some days, I feel it wisest to just listen.

    I have a young son, 14 months, who has Down Syndrome. Last month, our Occupational Therapist mentioned she was heading to Halifax for the CDSS conference and I mentioned your name. Said I wondered if you would be there for that. I honestly told her to look for a guest speaker who was a large, well spoken gentleman in a wheelchair.

    I saw her again this morning. She said she did indeed see you there. She mentioned that you had asked a fellow with Down Syndrome if you could write about him in your blog.

    Your post about Kelly made me cry. I read it out loud to a GF of mine and couldn't finish as I was too choked up. And even now!

    That post makes me so proud to have a son with a disability. I'm happy that NOW people with disabilities are given more and more opportunity
    and are now being looked at and SEEN as real people. People see my son and are instantly smitten and smile. I can not imagine being ashamed of such a wondrous child.
    I am Proud of Kelly, I am Proud of My son Hunter, and I am Ever so Proud of you Dave, for what you have done. You help more people than you know. You touch more lives than you can imagine. Congratulations of your 1001 post!
    Maybe there be ATLEAST 1001 more.

  53. Hi Dave,
    Happy 1001. I have used many of your posts to help folks understand issues that are very important. I don't remember the name or date of the post, but I shared the one about the young support person who was shopping for bras and working with a gentleman who had absolutely no interest in bras, with my team to help them understand that when they are working they need to respect the time they spend with the person.

    I used a blog about a man reviewing a menu with his wife who was blind to help the team understand what a difference it makes to help someone with grace and consideration, not from the "I'm the staff, helping this poor person." point of view.

    I printed out "That word, This girl" post and sent it to a local optomotrists office to help them understand how devestating it was when the "R" bomb was dumped from the back office while I was there with a woman with disabilities, trying to encourage her to see herself as beautiful in her new glasses.

    It worked, they sent a letter of apology with the signature of each and every staff member.

    Thank you for helping me over the past few years to be a better and much more considerate person.

    Jamie Lynn

  54. For you Dave!

  55. Dave

    I am a lurker most of the time although I have commented every once in a while. I can't remember which post it was for sure, I believe it was when you got Henry, but I clearly remember the line that I loved. It is where you describe Joe as the beginning and end of your journey. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever heard one say about another. You have an incredible way with words, oh how I would love to have that same gift. I read your posts every day, sometimes before I check my own email. I found you a little over a year ago while googling for information on bullying. I have one request if possible -- could you provide a link to your public speaking schedule? I would love to hear you if you are ever within driving distance.

    Thank you very much for "chewing the fat", it appears plenty of people, like me, care about what is "rolling around in your head". Congratulations on 1001!

    Washington State, USA

  56. There are so many posts that I enjoyed, but two moved me to action:
    1. The post about the father of the little active child with Down syndrome pulling aside the doctor before she entered the room, to insist on respect. This ost has encouraged me to stand up against childish nicknames.

    2. The post about the young woman with DS who had cards printed up to give to people ready to pity her. I made up cards explaining that I expect them to STAY OUT of disagreements between Ricki and I, and not to talk babyish with her. I haven't really USED the cards, but just a few days ago when Ricki was pulling a real SPECTACULAR tantrum in public (she did not enjoy my ending our shopping trip after 5 minutes when she started trying to manipulate/force me to do something I had warned her in advance that I wouldn't).....I cut off a man who came over with the "Oh, these kids are so loving...." look, just by saying "Don't you dare...."

    PS looking forward to hearing you in person next week.

  57. Congratulations and so glad you are still posting. I don't usually get a chance to keep up with you on a daily basis but your blog has opened my mind a little bit more and thank you for that. There have been many brilliant posts - two in particular stand out: one voice (?) - the one about your dentist when you were a child - chilling and shocking and awful - but yet hopeful because you came through that and hopeful because of that one voice. And also, the wonderful recent post where you gave your card to the woman who was being treated so badly - the fact that you made such a difference to her life just blew me away. Thanks again.

  58. Pcoo Hor! Poco Hor! Poco Hor!
    (Wed 18th October 2006)

    Thank you Northlighthero....I have been searching for a few hours to find this post. Hence the reason why my reply is 60 on the list. This is by far my favourite. Every time I read it it makes me cry...and true to form I was in tears when I just re-read it! Not sure why....but at a deep soul level this post touches me like no other. I think I must have been Philip in another life! It reminds me of the value of just connecting with others....without no rhyme or reason....just cos you can!

    I didn't realise how long I have been reading CTF until I went to find this post....since 2006! Boy time flys when you're having fun!I try to read every day....child permitting!

    So many inspiring about the old couple sharing lunch, one about the girl with DS sitting eating alone, one about you giving the note to the old lady, one about the couple who raised their boy with DS and who worked in the shop.....and many more!

    I'm Linda. I live in Dublin, Ireland. I have a five year old son Robert who has DS. Your insights have inspired and helped me re-frame my view on my journey with my boy. Thanks you so much!

    I hope to meet you and Joe in person someday!
    Happy 1000 and Happy Blooms Day!
    Love to you both.....Linda ( LinMac)

  59. I agree with D., my favourite post was Unbowed. It truly shaped the way I am parenting my son, and it has led to many discussions with teachers, LRTs and principals.

    I start every morning with you & my cup of tea. Thank you for all you write. I wish I could come to your Toronto conference, but it just won't be possible this year.

    Love you, Dave!

    Anjie (Adam's Mom)

  60. Dave I read your blog most days and have done so for more than a year now. It regularly makes me laugh out loud, or shed tears. Your insight and perspective makes the blog a joy to read: it's good for my soul.

    Thank you for your wise words and humour. I regularly share your blog with friends, many of whom are also followers!

    Keep on truckin'!

  61. Hi,

    I enjoy reading your blog and in fact I have time only for one blog and yours is it.

    My fav post is ENOUGH SAID (

    Thanks for being so honest and sharing your life with us.

  62. There have been so many awesome posts I can't pick a single favorite. Many of the ones that other people in this comment thread have mentioned are ones I have loved too (and went back and re-read!)

    One that people haven't mentioned yet is the one entitled "Mine!" about what little Ruby did when she heard people saying mean things about you.

  63. Hello and congratulations from the UK. I have been reading for over a year, and enjoy all your posts. Even if I don't 'get' them at the time, it will come to me during the next few days! I have worked alongside people with disabilities of all kinds my whole working life. When I first found CTF it was a 'lightbulb moment' - someone else who thought along the same lines as me, although expressed so much better!

    Your posts have kept me going through some dark days, and give me hope that it is still worth fighting the good fight for those who can't fight for themselves.

    Keep on keeping on!!

    (PS did you ever read Skallagrig??!)


    Annie x

  64. I'm a lurker but read your blog every day...don't always agree but fot the most part you definelty make me think and appreciate!

  65. I found your blog through a friend of mine (Trish at Another Piece of the Puzzle). She highly recomended your blog. I finally got around to reading it on the day Tears posted. I have been hooked ever since. I work in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania for Keystone Human Services. The founder of our organization has worked very hard since the early seventies to help close our institutions and improve the lives of vulnerable people in our community. Your perspective makes me laugh and cry right beside you. Thank you so much for entering my life and teaching me, without even knowing it.

  66. Hi Dave (and Joe) and congrats on so many posts!
    I've been reading regularly for over 18mths now and I can't pinpoint a fave, but am in awe of your consistent eloquence and articulation. My precious 5yr old daughter has CP, and I have learned a lot about advocating from the example you lead. So thanks, and keep up the fantastic work!

  67. Dear Dave:

    Congratulations on 1000 posts!

    It was hard to pick a favourite but I keep going back to the one about the older woman in the elevator at a hotel who corrects the young men who call her a "r#tard". You call her your new hero - and she was added to my list of heroes too.

    I am a regular reader and I do post comments occaisionally.

    Thanks for the richness and realness of your posts, Dave.


  68. Princeton Posse16 June 2009 at 13:13

    Congratulations on your 1001 post! Quite an accomplishment. My favourite blog was the one about the abandoned luggage, but they are all good, though-provoking and attitude changing.

  69. I can't believe no one mentioned the Tater Tot Casserole one.

    Happy 1000!

  70. Embarrased to say that I can not come up with a favourite.

    I read everyday and take you thoughts with me throughout my work day, working for people.

    I am honoured to be a part of this profession and the lives of people that choose me.

    Will try and get the courage to say Hi on Friday. I am usuallly too in awe to leave my seat!!

  71. Dave, I have been a reader for at least a year now. Tears, laughter, rollings in my head happen often. Many posts I have forwarded to friends and coworkers. I am attending your presentation on Friday and will most certainly say hi. Thanks for all the great posts and here's to another 1000 more!!!

  72. Dave,
    Enjoy your blog on a daily basis. Share the ideas with co-workers often. Your sense of humor and insight continue to roll around in my head for the rest of the day. Your observant nature and memory show me things that I have sensed but couldn't articulate. Your October 2008 post about teaching boundaries was one of those posts. Thank you so much for doing this daily, it is valued as are you and your family.

  73. Hi,

    I read regularly and really appreciate the work you are doing, especially around love and sexuality. I have the privilege of always having my relationship recognized and condoned. No one should be denied safe and happy sexual relationships, thanks for continuing to remind me and others

  74. Oh, and my favourite post in recent memory was about Ruby calling you MINE.

  75. Pam from Nanaimo18 June 2009 at 03:12

    Hi David. I guess it's time to stand up and be counted~ I'm a daily reader, and am so glad that you didn't quit after your planned first year.

    I think one of my favorite blog postings was the one about Midge, the woman who you met in the mall. I LOVED the vivid detail~ my mental image of you and Midge that day was so clear, that I've half way convinced myself that I must have been at the next table, witnessing your interaction first hand! LOL!

    Thanks for doing this blog for all of us! As you know, we all love it!
    Pam GS
    (Friend of your old friend, Bob)

  76. I saw your warm and wonderful presentations in Oregon a few years ago and just happened upon your blog one day while in the midst of a Google-fest. How lucky for me! I have a sister with Williams Syndrome and have worked in the "field" for about 30 years. I try to start my work days by reading your blog...always helps set the stage to remember what's really important. My favorite entry is "The Usual Suspect". I have it posted near my monitor so I am reminded "How many of my judgements are convicting the wrong person for the right crime?" Thank you Dave for this blog. It's a "happy thing" for me and matters alot!

  77. Better late than never! Sorry to have missed the big day. As a disabled lesbian, I find your experience, gorgeous words, and wonderful sense of humor more meaningful than I can say. Thank you! And congratulations on your 1002nd post :^)

  78. Wanted to add my congratulations.
    Like many, I often start my day reading your trying to think of my is the advice to a friend, another is an appt you had with a woman who had been raped and how you supported her;going to the fabric store and making arm bands; sharing a wonderful book or movie you've just experienced. (and is it just me or are people with disabilities showing up more as victims/perps in mysteries?!) and the stories of you and Joe in the great adventure of life! (You could pull these out & make them into a book!)
    I also love reading the comments from other readers.
    Keep writing!

  79. My favorite blog is the one where you take the guy using a wheelchair out for a beer and he gets rip roaring drunk and you talk to his mother the next day. And she thanks you for giving her son a typical teenager experience and treating him like the teen that he was! I LOVE that story and since then I revel in my daughter's less-than-nice behavior. I celebrated the first time she lied to me - yay! Good for you girl! Do typical things!

    I have also really enjoyed your blogs regarding the rights people with disabilities have to be sexual beings. That has also been very helpful as I embark on this whole parenthood thing. She'll be 6 next month and I want to make sure I don't screw her up to be some complacent farm animal that doesn't stand up for her own rights/needs/desires.

    I also love the blog where the guy using a wheelchair rights a letter to the school saying "I have recently become aware that I have rights". Yeah man! Rights!

    Thanks so much,

  80. I start everyday at work with your blog. I work in the field of DD services so I feel like I can get away with reading it at work. But really I most enjoy your stories because you are a good story teller. I really like the stories that touch on your relationship with Joe, Please keep writing.

    Lynn Bishop

  81. Lene sent me a while ago, and I've never commented. But I love it. Please keep posting.

  82. I don't get here nearly as much as I'd like, but when I do I'm always floored by the dense, concise and often heart touching posts here.

  83. I found your journal because of your post about being at the airport and being told your bags had to be attended. I don't read every day, but I catch up every now and then.

    Your writing is very powerful and emotion-packed, but in a good way.

    Not sure what else to say except keep up the good work!

  84. Happy 1001st Dave from another lurker/regular reader. I couldn't say which are my favourites - all have made me think more deeply, many have filled me with joy and yes, many have left me in tears...thank you
    I just want to say I'm so excited you're going to be at the Down syndrome congress in Dublin. For me, you were the highlight of the Vancouver congress. I can't wait!

  85. Thanks for all your stories, Dave! I found your blog only a year ago and am very glad I did! Poco hor was my favourite story so far, but I look forward to many more!
    Thanks again and congratulations,

  86. I'm reading this in February 2020.

    I have commented a fair amount in recent years, but sometimes have trouble finding things to say that are not obvious, or trite.

    Now I'm slowly reading through ALL the years you've been blogging, to catch anything I missed.

    It is my pleasure to fulfill your request all these years later.


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