Monday, April 27, 2009

Where Did That Come From?

I'd fallen out of the habit of church. During the winter it's impossible to really get into the church with the wheelchair. The church is located in a really residential area and often the plows simply don't get much of it removed. So while Joe went I'd stay home. I'd make a big pot of tea, curl up on the couch under my favourite blanket and read. This little ritual became more and more important to me. But when Joe asked if I'd come to church on Sunday, I could hear in his voice that he'd like me there. So I agreed. Reluctantly, I'll admit.

We got there very early so that we could get me in, get the car parked and not be rushing about. I don't like hurry as I find it gets in the way of so much. As the service began I enjoyed the whole thing. The music, the pagentry, being read to ... all of it seemed to be exactly what I needed. Then it came time for prayers. I am a regular prayer, I believe in prayer ... so why is it that when someone asks me to bow my head and pray, I never can. It seems a bit contrived, like being forced to chat with Grandma while my mom goes for a pee.

So I bowed my head and thought about what to pray for ... nothing came. Then, suddenly, from somewhere deep in me came a prayer I tried to stop. It was a prayer for the two guys who had ridiculed me yesterday. It was a prayer for them to discover kindness. It was a prayer for those around them, for their kids, their wives, their friends, their family. We, each of us, need people in our lives with the gifts of kindness and compassion. Some day, some one will need something from those guys, something that requires a heart that works. I prayed that each of them, I could picture each face, would learn gentleness so that their lips could one day kiss away an accidental fall or even bruised feelings from a bullies taunt.

When I was done I wondered, 'Where did that come from?' I don't know if my prayer will ever be answered but, even so ... the idea that it might gave me hope.


Anonymous said...

"Where Did That Come From?"
I think it came from your ability to see the divinity within each and every human being on this earth....even the ones that disrespect you! They too are more than just that one act that caused you to question your own self worth.
On a side note....I love to bow my head at mass. I can almost feel the power of Gods love entering my body from my head chakra!
Interesting post Dave!
Love LinMac

Heike Fabig said...

It came from inside you, because you know those guys are hurting others because they are hurting. That's always how it goes.

Jane said...

I know where it came from, it came from the part of you that knows that in the end they were a fleeting sting in your life, but are an on-going presence in someone else's. I too have felt the stings and have had to learn to call upon my stored up good feelings to carry on. I want you to know that your presence (via this blog) in my life each morning is one of the sources of my store house.

Susan said...

Wow, Dave. Praying for those who have hurt you - for those who deserve to be squashed underfoot. That's freedom - in the truest sense of the Word...

CJ said...

I find great peace and community when I go to temple.

Because one hurts, is no excuse to hurt others.

I'm sure that prayer came from the well of goodness within you.

Jeannette said...

It came from your inner knowledge that praying for them was the best way to heal your own wound.
Jesus' suggestion to ".. pray for them which despitefully use you, that ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven..." is wise and practical advice.

John said...

I awarded you with the inspirational blogger award. See my blog, Life of John at

Anonymous said...

Inner strength, that's where it came from.

CJ said...


It may be wise and practical for a Christian.

However, it would not fit in with my religious tradition.

Ettina said...

I have been hurt so much by Christian teachers that I've turned off of religion almost completely. But lately, I've found that I'm starting to connect somewhat with Buddhism through Japanese anime (an odd path, I know, but that's where I'm coming from). In particular, the series Haibane Renmei really spoke to me.

Anonymous said...

Dave, I think you might be interested in this article: The Stigma of Obesity


Anonymous said...

It cut off the URL, try this one.

- Sharon

Anonymous said...

It came from God and you responded, your prayer will be answered. That is is promise, especailly when we are obedient to His will. He asks us to pray for those who hurt you.

God Bless