Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm Down With It

What a day for a daydream.

What a day for a daydreaming boy ...

Again, nothing spectacular to write about. We were up early to catch Wheeltrans to the airport for our flight to California. It was a balmy morning with only a wee bit of brisk in the air, so we sat outside with our luggage and waited for the bus. It arrived about 5 minutes early and the driver was a charming and gentle woman who got us in carefully and then we were off. As she deposited us on the sidewalk outside the terminal both Joe and I looked at each other and said at the same time, "What a lovely woman."

As it happened we were dropped off a few doors down from the 'official' disabled drop off because it was jam-packed with taxis - thus we were just straight across from the Air Canada Special Assistance check in booth. The woman there was terrifically helpful and the guy who came to get me was a little older than us, a great wit and we all laughed right through the security gates. There I was picked up by another staffer who zoomed me along to the gate.

Again, everyone was lovely.

On the plane they organized things so that Joe and I had a seat between us and our flight was long but comfortable. Arriving a tiny woman was there with a wheelchair to get me to the luggage and then up to the rental car. She and Joe worked it out and then we were getting the car from a laughing woman who thought everything that we said was comic genius.

Hungry, we stopped at the nearest IHOP and were served by a woman who's name tagged anounced her as a Suzie. The name fit and she seemed to be on top of the world enjoying her work taking orders and bringing food. Both Joe and I realized that we weren't really tired from the travel. It was as if we were buoyed up by everyone else's spirit.

Like everyone in the world decided that it was a 'be kind to others' day. I found my self smiling at everyone, being cheery with a haggard hotel clerk, understanding with a problem with the room. Joe decided that he wanted to walk down to the ocean, I decided that I didn't. We both had a lovely hour, together but apart, apart but together.

Even this morning, after dealing with a computer connection that didn't work in my room. A late blog. A poor sleep. I'm still in a wonderfully happy mood.

Because attitude is contageous. I've come down with an upbeat mood. Caught from a bunch of people who were just happy to be alive, happy to do what they were doing ...

So I hope you catch what I've got ...

And I hope you pass it along.


  1. oooh i could use catching that bug right now.... thanks for sharing it. the sun is shining here too.

  2. It's grey & rainy on the west coast but we have spring flowers starting to bloom and no more snow.(so far) I'm wanting to catch some "happy attitude"
    Also picked up Zoo Station from the library last night.

  3. Now, THAT is a great post. A breath of fresh, cheerful air just when most of blogland seems to be bitter and bitchy.

    And bitter and bitchy, unfortunately, seems to be even more contagious than happy and cheerful.

  4. Thanks for that great start to the day! I am watching my daughter, riddled with heat rash and a snotty nose, out of her element and cheerful as can be. She gets it at 2 1/2, the challenge is for all us old, cynical folk to keep the good cheer going. We'll pass it on.

  5. Thanks for that great start to the day! I am watching my daughter, riddled with heat rash and a snotty nose, out of her element and cheerful as can be. She gets it at 2 1/2, the challenge is for all us old, cynical folk to keep the good cheer going. We'll pass it on.


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