Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A Hint

Thank God that the warm is coming. I could feel it when I left work today and there were points in the weekend that gave hope to the idea that spring might indeed come. It's around now that I begin feeling a bit stir crazy. I still go out, but not as much. I'm still active, but not as much. I'm still busy, but not as much. I tend to weigh the work of being out in a wheelchair now more than I do at the beginning of winter. I tend to stay inside and venture out only after Joe has checked to see if the driveway is clear, the roads have been plowed, there is at least a pathway to traverse.

I don't like giving in to the captivity of disability but I've been doing it more and more this winter. I had a huge scare a few days ago when I almost overturned my power wheelchair trying to get around ice on the sidewalk. My heart went crazy and I used my force of will and the chairs power to keep myself upright. OKOKOK, I need to be careful.

So we've done a wack of cooking, watched a wack of DVD sets as we've waited for the weather to turn warm. I've managed to keep myself upbeat and positive but now the effort for even that seems difficult. Like I've sprained my optimism muscle.

It was good to feel the warmth today, see that it will get to double digits on Wednesday, on the way home we saw pavement that has been covered for several months now. The days of my confinement are coming to an end. I long to get the power chair out and really put it through it's paces. I can't wait to move freely around my neighbourhood.

This hasn't been the winter of my discontent, but if it's a day longer than it needs to be, it could become so ...


  1. Besides George Gently, which I watched and enjoyed after your mention, what other DVDs have you seen and liked?

  2. I'm Joe answering on behalf of Dave. So here's a few titles for you: City of Vice, Doc Martin, Cranford and Prime Suspect. These should get you started! Enjoy!

  3. some great british titles there i see, you have great taste

  4. sprained optimism muscle... I like it.

  5. Love Prime Suspect. Have you guys tried "The Wire"? It's been a quiet hit down here in the States.

  6. Cynthia F ... we've seen three seasons and have more waiting, we take breaks between them to drag out the pleasure.


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