Sunday, February 08, 2009

The Day Sex Took Over

Reminder: On February 14 a group of us are going to be writing blogs on the topic of sexuality, sensuality and disability. We'd love it if you would join with us on this day. If you are planning to do so AND HAVE NOT YET SIGNED UP ON A PREVIOUS POST please sign up here. Thanks ...


  1. I've missed lots of blogs because of moving home, but I'd love to join in this. Bendy Girl
    PS Hope all is well in yours and Joe's world Dave

  2. I tend to read here but not comment, so this feels really out of the blue, but I'd like to participate.

  3. I wasn't sure what I'd post, but now I know, so I'll be participating.

    (Because I have a lot of blogs.)

  4. I know I said I'd love to participate! I am looking forward to it! just though I should clarify which blog since I have 3!
    I'm blogging on my "Chronicles of a Chronically Random Girl" one!
    Soli Deo Gloria!
    REformed Girl

  5. The link to my post for the 14th is:

  6. This what I was looking for because this topic is awesome because I'm a hot man and this notice captured my attention thanks so much.

  7. I think that new years eve and valentine are the days in where people have the most sex in the whole year.


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