Monday, August 11, 2008

Words Hit Cards

I have a downloadable file for the cards, artwork and all, but do not know how to put this on the blog. Anyone wanting a copy, please email me directly ... and I'll send it out to you right away.

Two things:

First, I want to thank Vita and our ED Manuela, for allowing these to be simply given away. I love the spirit of cooperation that this implies, I love it when we all work together, I love practicing community rather than simply talking it.

Second, if as a result of the use of these cards something happens that makes a cool story, could you let me know? I'd love to share some stories with others on the blog.

Sorry about not being able to put it directly onto the blog, the computer is still a magic box to me ...

But it's not to Sue Cline who has just put these links up for everyone ... I love the Chewing the Fat community ... I really do ... thanks Sue.


  1. Thanks so much Dave! You've got mail. :)

  2. Dave, I'm a bit of a nerd with computers (I've just been corrected by my mum, apparently 'Wierd Geek' is closer - HAHA!) so if you want any help with the computer, you can email me via my profile and I'll be happy to help you show the 'magic box' who's boss! :D

  3. Gaina, what I really need to know is how to get a link to work, like when I type in the web address how to make it so that you just click on it and it takes you there. It used to be that it automatically did that but it no longer does. I'm completely lost!

  4. Blogger Dave Hingsburger said...

    Gaina, what I really need to know is how to get a link to work, like when I type in the web address how to make it so that you just click on it and it takes you there. It used to be that it automatically did that but it no longer does. I'm completely lost!

    Ok Dave I'm going to send you an email with a text file attached to show you how to make links using HTML


  5. g'day Dave,

    cutting and pasting the links worked for me thanks heaps. cut and paste doesn't catch the 'f' at the end ie 'pdf' so add it if it's missing and Bob's your uncle!!



  6. Dave,

    Thank you for offering these cards! You have mail yet again! God bless you and keep up the great work.

    Grandma to Miss Emma
    Angelman Syndrome

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