Thursday, July 17, 2008

5 Minutes

If all goes well my first blog for will appear sometime today. By, if all goes well, I mean if the fine folks over there are able to cope with me as a regular writer. I'm scheduled for every second Thursday but we'll see how long their patience holds out.

You see when they wrote and asked me, I liked the idea of doing a blog for them so I said sure. I still contribute on an occasional basis for OUCH! and this seemed like another way to make a contribution. But then I got an email from them and they wanted me to join a Yahoo Group and to send this here and review that ... AAARRRRGGGGHHHH!! I am so not able to do those things. I've never joined a 'Group' and I didn't understand all the stuff that was being requested of me.

I know that because you see me posting here, you think that I have a technical bent. Um. No. This really is a case of 'if I can do it, anyone can do it'. I'm computer literate in that I can write memos and send emails and print off something when I need to. Beyond that, it's a big shiny magic box. I have burned out so many people who have tried to help me learn to do new things. I got my picture up in the profile section because BP (Blog Princess) a friend of mine, managed to get it done for me. The pictures got up because Mike kept saying ... breathe, breathe, breath ... through his little tutorials.

So, when they wrote me and asked, "Did you get the email about the blog?" I do what men do. I pretended not to notice the request. I mean who wants to write and say, "Um, I didn't understand, I don't understand, please sail without me?" But then guilt got to me and I wrote and said, "Um, Group?" So someone there has agreed I can just send my blog to them and then they will post it. Ah ha, an arrangement I can commit to. Then I surprised them and wrote and asked to be notified a few days before each blog was due because I can't keep a schedule straight for the life of me. (Yes, Joe dusts me off and sets me before an audience right at the time I'm scheduled to lecture - the secret behind the magic.)

I imagine they thought ... this wasn't supposed to be 5 mintues for special needs for YOU! But, that's the way it goes. Poor Vaughn at OUCH gets an email from me pretty much every time I want to put a blog on there - I can never remember how to do it, can never find his email explaining it, and besides ... it's a disability blog, I'm disabled, he's there to help! Right?

So pop on over and see their site and the blog I wrote for my inaugural post. And thanks to the people there (and at OUCH) who let me contribute even though I take more time than most.

I have heard from them, it will go up today, not sure what time, but check later in the morning to see what you shall see.


  1. I'm so glad you are doing that, because more people need to read your thoughts! Thanks for being such an advocate.

  2. Also glad to hear that you're getting the word out in new places. I say a little accomodation for your "technical difficulties" will be more than worth it. Sometimes I swear one needs a degree in computer engineering to figure some of this stuff out!

  3. I am totally with you Dave. There are a few things I can do, cause I do them over and over, but otherwise I need to ask for help. Some people are better at giving help than others.

    I think they will be glad that they gave you the help you need.


  4. I'm so glad you are doing the new blog! I've told a lot of people about your blog, as your words stay with me through my day. Now you will reach many more people. It is ok that computers aren't your thing. You are pretty good at the people thing, and that more than makes up for it.

  5. Hi Dave! I'm Melody, one of your teammates at 5MFSN.

    Loved your intro, love your style, love what you do. Your perspective will offer a unique and much needed insight. So I for one will most definitely pretend to know what I'm doing at 5MFSN in order to help keep you posting over there. :)

  6. I came here from 5MFSN. So glad to find your blog. Your post was great.

  7. I'm really glad that more people will get to see your insight.

  8. I loved this post. I loved imagining Joe dusting you off and "setting" you "out there."

    My imagination took me further to him hiding behind you and....well...who really is doing the presenting after all, now I'm wondering. No, no that's him at the book table, but maybe not...hmmm.

  9. Your post over there looks great, Dave. A whole new set of people to touch and influence. How cool is THAT?! (Very cool, indeed!)


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