Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Canadian Blog Awards - Round Two

Gentle Readers:

A number of you must have voted for me during the first round for a Canadian Blog Award as Chewing the Fat has made it into the final five in two categories - Best Activist Blog and Best Blogosphere Citizen. As of today the second round of voting begins. Oddly I had never heard of the Canadian Blog Awards until a couple of months ago, and now - admittedly, I'd like to win (I blush at admitting that). So I ask you, if you've got the time could you vote again please .... all you need to go is go here ...

... and click on the vote button. I really appreciate your time in doing this. Thanks,

I'd also like to note that Belinda Burston who has posted here on Chewing the Fat has been nominated to the final in the religious blog category ... you can check out her blog at

please go ahead and check out her blog and vote for her too if you'd like.



  1. Just so you all know, you can find David's blog under the first category - general and best blogosphere citizen! I voted for you Dave! Good luck! I hope you win.

  2. SEO
    very handy, thanx a lot for this blog ..... This is exactfly what I was looking for.


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