Saturday, May 19, 2007

Loud Prayers

From my mailbox today - reprinted here with permission:

Dear Dave,

After a couple of days of looking, I found your email address on my notes from the conference you gave a few weeks ago. You might remember me because we spoke briefly about my daughter who has Down Syndrome. I’d asked you for some information and you kindly gave me your email address so that I could follow up with you if I needed to. Well, I’m not writing about her behaviour, if you remember I was concerned that she was too friendly and too trusting of others. I’m writing because I’m at my wits end and I need to just do something.

Cicely has been taken seriously ill and is in hospital right now. She is to undergo surgery as soon as it can be arranged, tomorrow at 10 is the tentative time. This has taken us by real surprise as we had no idea our little girl would be struck like this, she had been given a clean bill of health. My husband and I are devastated by the suddeness of her illness and the emergency treatments she is now undergoing. What’s really got me down is that several of my friends, who I thought loved Cicely, have said horrible things like, "Maybe it’s for the best." One woman who I will never speak to again said, "God is taking your burden away." My husband says that they mean well, but how can they?

I remember you talking about prejudice and about how people with disabilities are not valued. I never in my life thought that you’d be talking about Cicely. She is the dearest little girl. I know that all parents say that, but she truly is a gift to us.

I’m going on and on. What I’m asking for isn’t advice. I remember you told a story about the church you went to and about ‘bank shot prayers’. Well, I’m asking you if you could take a moment from your busy day to pray for our little girl. Cicely needs people to pray for her who wish her well. People who wish my family well. Not from people who think that she'd be better off, or that we'd be better off if she didn't make it. I want loud prayers for Cicely. Prayers that God will hear over the others.

Would you do that for me?

* * *



And often


  1. loud prayers from here, too, but i think God listens to the prayers that ask for right things, even if they are quiet.

    how unbelieveable that "friend" people could say that!?! and i want to say wtf but can you say that in the same comment as prayers?!

  2. I'm praying and will continue to pray for Cicely, and will pass the need on to friends who will pray too.

  3. Prayers going up for Cicely and for her family who understand her true value.


  4. Many prayers, loud prayers and quiet prayers for you and your daughter. May she get through this with as little suffering as possible, and I wish to share with you some of my stregnth as a mom, to see you through this.
    My family and I will pray for your daughter's speedy recovery.

  5. Prayer for Cicely:
    Thy name is my healing, O my God, and remembrance of Thee is my remedy. Nearness to Thee is my hope, and love for Thee is my companion. Thy mercy to me is my healing and my succor in both this world and the world to come. Thou, verily, art the All-Bountiful, the All-Knowing, the All-Wise.

  6. I will pray for Cicely as well.

    And ditto on natalia's wtf.

  7. I too have prayed for this little one - and for forgiveness for the so called friends who could say such things. Any child - regardless of creed, colour, health or disability is HIS child.

    Lord in accordance with your mercy be it so.

  8. Loud prayers for Cicely and her family and our world from me too.

  9. Joining in prayer for little Cicely.

  10. I will be sending my prayers your way for your wonderful daugher

  11. Hope your little girl made it through with flying colors.

  12. Insensitivity is an amazing abuse, particularly at such a difficult time. I'll be keeping this family in my thoughts.


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