Monday, March 28, 2016

The Descent of Hush

Image description: A rectangle with a yellow dot in the middle.
Yesterday was a wonderful Easter day. We'd booked WheelTrans to and from the church and we were picked up at both ends right on time and had direct rides both ways. Church was wonderful and we had several conversations that were both edifying and entertaining, a real treat. On our ride home we rode in silence, thinking about the sermon, the conversations and the importance of community.

We'd planned left overs for lunch so there was no work there and we allowed ourselves a liesurely lunch before beginning the preparations for the Easter feast. Joe and I cook together alot and we've become like a well oiled machine in the kitchen. The peeling and the chopping and the spicing and timing it all kept us busy for the next while. We were having guests for dinner so we wanted to make sure that everything was 'company nice' so after the meal was prepped, the apartment was given a once over.

They arrived right on time, the dinner was near ready so there was time for chatter and laughter before the meal was served. Ours is a vegetarian household but I think we managed a feast worthy of the word. It was fun. But, then, suddenly, it was over. Time had flown by, it was well past our bedtime, and we said our goodbyes.

The door closed and seconds later we were in our housecoats, in our chairs, each with a beverage at our elbows.

And then it happened.

The descent of hush.

Joe and I sat and listened to the quiet. Busy days, noisy days, happy days, are just so full that there's often little room to process what's going on, what's being said and what it all means. But, for us, that moment where quiet decends is something that we both honour. Always have.

Do you remember, those old enough, the television sets our parents had? The ones that when you turned them off, it triggered a process within the television. The picture shrank, got smaller and smaller, until there was just a dot in the centre of the screen. Did you as a child sit there and watch, in total silence, the dot shrink to nothingness? I did. Joe did.

It's like that.

Sitting in silence as the day just slowly shrinks away. When it's gone all that's left is silence and time to reflect. We loved that as a children and we love that as adults.

The descent of hush.

Perhaps the most precious time in a very busy day. And one I'm so completely grateful for.

Hope you all, who celebrate the day, had a lovely Easter.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like a perfect Easter Day. Our celebration which was on Good Friday, was challenged by the power outage but managed to pull it together by the evening! I was so tired that I had a whole day of "hush" on Saturday. :)


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