Friday, March 11, 2016

News. Updates. And Comments


I was hoping I wouldn't have to write you but I feel I must. For the last very many months I've been getting really nasty comments from an anonymous person - as we know anonymity gives cowardice courage - regarding a long laundry list of my supposed crimes. I am responsible for almost evey social ill and, beyond that, for targetting minority men with an elabourate false allegation scheme that is secretly communicated through hidden messages in the text to those of you in my 'posse' who then target my intended victims. This have varied over time and has included a weird obsession with my masturbatory habits! The hositility in these has reached a point where I have now officially involved the police. They have taken all the messages that have been left (there are hundreds, I've saved them all) and are working with me.

I am changing the settings on comments, which I hate doing, but I need a break from the constant flow of ugly accusations. Please let me know if you are no longer able to comment, there is another setting I can try.


  1. Wow, so sorry that is happening to you! Be safe!

  2. I am sorry Dave. That is awful. Sending you love and support.

  3. I'm so sorry that you're having to deal with this. Is there a way to block that person's IP address?

  4. (testing?)

    I'm dismayed that you have to deal with this, but I'm glad you have the courage to do so.

  5. I am so sorry to hear of this violation,stress and distress in your life! You do so much for so many far and wide!
    I hope and pray this is resolved quickly with police intervention and your peace and sanctuary is restored!
    Love, prayers and respect always- Kimberley

  6. So sorry to read that! Good luck tracking down and stopping this person!

  7. Ugh! Nobody likes a troll, much less a stalker. Hope you sort it out.

  8. Trolls suck. Sorry to hear you're dealing with that. =(

  9. Sorry that you have been having this experience. Another blogger I follow had the same issues, and comment moderation did help.

  10. Ick!
    I am glad you have enlisted the police, so many won't do that.
    I hope you can get it all sorted out.

  11. Good for you for taking the steps that you did. Darn shame that you had to, but kudos for doing it.

  12. Wow Dave. I had no idea things like this happen on blogs. Innocent little me! :) I don't post here often, but I check every single day for new posts. I learn so much from your writings. I'm grateful. samm in Welland

  13. I'm sorry you have to change your blog to deal with such a person.

    I hope the police catch him/her - those things are crimes, and this person is either evil and needs to pay for that, or is seriously deranged and needs help.

    Whatever you need in support.

  14. Have to wonder what these creeps did with their time before the Internet. I'm so sorry that this troll has ruined one second of your beautiful life.

  15. Oh, Dave! How terribly upsetting for you!

    I hope that the twisted citizen is found very quickly, so that your life can get back to its usual pattern.

    Warm thoughts and good wishes from The Wheeliecrone

  16. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. Thinking of you

  17. I am so sorry this has happened. Glad you got the police involved.

  18. Sorry you're dealing with that ugliness. Hope the police can do something useful and that you're feeling better - this on top of being sick sounds like a rough week!

  19. I hope this ends. I appreciate your thoughts and stories here.

  20. Test. I've had a lot of trouble commenting, so I really hope this works.


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