Saturday, January 09, 2016

Chair Update: By Request

Image description: The blue wheelchair symbol with a red question mark over the head and with the words 'are you serious?' underneath in black.
A number of people have asked me to update the status of my powerchair. I've been avoiding doing it because it's all just so difficult. But here goes ...

After the chair was picked up, maybe a day or two later, I got a call from the repair guy asking me to be very specific about the problems I'm experiencing with the chair. I did so and after answering a few other questions, he rang off. I called a couple of times to get information and left messages but didn't hear back.

Yesterday I spoke to someone who is apparently coordinating the work with the chair and she told me that they have fixed some very minor stuff but can't find anything wrong with the chair. She said that the repair guy has been riding around in the chair with no problems. When talking to him he told me his weight and I told him that I'm double that amount. I mentioned this to her and she said something in the order of 'Well what are we supposed to do about that?' I kind of thought they may have a way of testing chairs for big people because they sell chairs for big people, but I guess they don't.

So on Monday I've got to call them and set a date, late next week, to go to their shop and ride around on the chair so they can see the problem. I'm good with that but it's getting really frustrating because I've been without the chair for weeks now. But, if that's what I have to do, I'll do it.

It's going to be awhile before I have any resolution on this because - things are never easy are the?


  1. Sigh. It should not have to be this hard...

  2. How unprofessional of them! And they have you - sole source and all that?

    Doesn't sound as if they know what they're doing if they can't find anything wrong because they're using a lightweight (in many senses) tech.

    You shouldn't have to tell them their job. And if they think you'd give up your chair for something trivial...

  3. He should get a similar-sized guy to sit on his lap and see if they can use your chair like that.

  4. oh, that's so frustrating..have had the same problem with automobiles..but it's not like you can call AAA and get a tow when your chair quits while you are using it.
    keeping good thoughts for you during this time of mechanically impaired mobility.

  5. Um...they couldn't get a couple of sandbags to increase the chair's load? You are supposed to go to THEM, not them come to YOU, even though you are the one who is without the wheelchair? A sad example of what happens to "service" when customers are a captive market. Hope this sorts itself out for you!

  6. :-( sorry this is happening in this way.

  7. How frustrating!!! Seriously, they have to know from the original report, plus the size/type of chair that it is being used by someone who needs a chair like that to accommodate their needs. How daft are they? And doesn't that figure, no problem when THEY use it?!?!? Never fails. I hope you get to the bottom of this soon.

  8. It's hard enough to be in these situations, but then to have people respond like that would just increase the frustration for me. It's really not that hard to just be kind, is it?

  9. Seriously it's very hard enough to be in these situations..


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