Monday, September 15, 2014

Executive Functioning: Deliberate Indifference

Today we release the second issue of Executive Functioning: A Newsletter for Senior Leaders in Human Services - the topic is 'Deliberate Indifference' - if you'd like a copy, or to subscribe, simply email me at . Too, we are attaching NED talks to each newsletter (Network of Executive Directors) as you see above.

1 comment:

  1. Mitigating risk . . . is always an interesting concept with much to consider (history, environment, the combination of the two, current biopsychosocial status, etc.)

    Eliminating bad risk is all well and good until it starts to impinge on eliminating good risk. (Or is risk just - risk?) Therein lay the tricky part, yes? A total guarantee of safety would also eliminate many many opportunities for those who's safety you're guaranteeing . . . finding the line between the two would be crucial.

    I roll this around in my own head as a professional, a parent, and a citizen - and those three perspectives don't always agree - nor would they as I don't have the same type of relationship with others in those different capacities.

    I don't have issue exerting more risk control with my own children (especially the younger ones) than I do as a citizen (though I would most certainly step in if I saw something imminently bad about to happen to a stranger crossing the street not paying attention to traffic) - because limiting risk for my kids is part of my role as a Dad. (One that diminishes with age.) Though - from my particular perspective, teaching my kids to be mindful of themselves and the environment around them to identify risks and approach them accordingly is ultimately my goal as Dad.

    Limiting risk for a stranger . . . mmm, not so much.

    As a professional with an agreed on voluntary exchange with a person whom I'm serving . . . that's where things need a little more finesse - and exchange of expectation.

    I think lawyers have a field day with this type of thing and "what is understood" in terms of expectation.

    I may need to subscribe as you suggested to get more of your perspective on this. =)


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