Monday, January 14, 2013

International Day of Mourning and Memory Approaches

January 23: International Day of Mourning and Memory

This video was created last year for the first International Day of Mourning and Memory and I wanted to share it again as we approach the day itself. I've had some emails from people who are going to be writing things that day and I hope to be able to put links and information here on the blog. If you'd like your post to be listed please ensure that I get that link. You can put it here or on the post the day itself.

There is a Facebook page which was sent to me by John who is a frequent commenter here on my blog and has a brand spanking new blog called Training Wheels which, if you are a direct support professional, you may want to visit. The video and the Facebook page may help you into the spirit of the day and I hope you choose to participate in some way.

I truly believe, especially now, that we need to remember the lives lived by people with disabilities; those caged and those free. Our lives and our stories matter, we have things to say and we have things to contribute and because of that - we have lived and are living memorable lives.

1 comment:

  1. Dave have you heard anything about the class action suit against the provincial government here in Ontario for incarceration in Institutions and the abuse and neglect that occurred there, This settlement would do much to help people deal with the horrific conditions that were part of their lives for so long. There was a short documentary on CBC radio and then nothing. I would sure like to hear what is happening.


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