Friday, December 21, 2012

And Today Is ...

Normally I'd be writing a blog about the fact that I turn 60 today. However, as the world is supposed to end today, I'm not sure I want to spend my last hours penning a blog that no-one will be reading - fleeing for safety being more appropriate during an apocalypse.

So, I'm going to wait until morning. And will write something should I make it to work and the world still be spinning. Beside my desk is a book of poetry that I received from a wonderful reader (who I don't know if I should name) as an early birthday present. I loved the book and have kept it at work because I read it, often, when I need to settle my mind. The book came with a small framed poem from the book that I'd like to share with you all ...

But only if I get to work.

And the world is still here.

Thank heavens for opposing predictions, I got this graphic from Shannon's blog!


  1. It's already tomorrow in New Zealand - and Tonga too,for that matter. So I think we're okay.

    Looking forward to the poem tomorrow. (Unless it's a snow day. :) )

  2. Yes it is. And it is your Birthday!

    Happy Birthday Dave!

    More life, more laughter, more friends, more to teach and more to learn.


    :-) Julia

  3. Happy birthday Dave - welcome to your 60s ... Not so bad at all, in my experience! It's The evening of Friday 21st on the east coast of Austalia, still daylight, and we're still here.

    Have great day!


  4. God is in control - not the human sacrificing Mayans. If things happen on this day, or any day, it is His will. This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it!

  5. I'm counting on reading it. It would be so wrong for the world to end on your birthday!!!

  6. Happy Birthday Dave, think we made it through the "apocolypse!"

  7. Happy Birthday Dave!!!!!!

  8. Happy Birthday Dave!From one solstice baby to another :-)

  9. To someone who warms the world around him with his presence and laughter; whose words inspire and teach children and grownups; whose generosity of spirit is profound--happy birthday!

  10. Happy Birthday from me too!

    Someone posted a similar photo on Facebook that makes me laugh - you might too.

  11. Happy Birthday, Dave! I hope you have a great day full of tea and cookies and you can't get any work done because people keep coming by your desk to shake your hand!

  12. Hey, Dave! Happy Birthday! I didn't want to reply yesterday, but this is what I posted in my personal journal, just now:

    *Twoot!* Happy New B'ak'tun!

    Yup! It's the Mayan version of the New Millennium!

    And yes, that's all it was ever going to be -- even in ancient Mayan mythology.

    Let's hope the next 394.26 years is better than the last 394.26 years...

    Be good to each other, people!

    But hey, today your birthday falls on a "round number" new year (In somebody's calender) I'd say that calls for at least a second slice of cake, and an extra sparkly hat.

    May the happiness of today start a trend that shapes the coming year...

  13. Happy Birthday! Welcome to the 60s ... and to what a friend of my affectionately calls the 'third trimester of this life'.

    At 66 I'm here to tell you it's a fine time to be alive, and a wonderful age to be enjoying it. Not that it's a completely unmixed blessing (the challenges of increasing forgetfulness come to mind, at least occasionally). But that an awful lot of the @#$% I used to think important has just gently faded away, leaving plenty of the good stuff for me to enjoy.

    I wish you a lovely decade of increasing wisdom, stable skill in most things and increasing skill in a few, and plenty of love, light and laughter in all you do.


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