Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Just who are you people anyways?

I asked myself that question today as I was clearing out my 'spam comments' folder. I have to do this pretty much every day as they build up quickly. I've found that I do have to look through the comments carefully because every now and then a real comment gets filed there, I don't want those lost.

The spam comments are kind of intriguing, they seem to be written by some kind of programme that puts a bunch of words together, often making a kind of sensical nonsense, if that makes sense. Sometimes I have to read a sentence or two before I realize it's spam. They typically want to send people to websites.

I think they've given up on me and my penis size. For a long time I kept getting spam comments about endowment enhancing devices. They made it sound like if I used their product, my 'member' would need a mobility aid in order for me to cart it about. But those comments have stopped almost entirely. Too, they are no longer really targeting me, aiming instead to send you as readers to websites for either Viagra or Cialis ... and now, today, strippers.

I have no idea if these are sent to all bloggers or if they are selecting you out. But if they are ...
wow ... are you keeping secrets from me.

Tell more!


  1. Spam is so frustrating. Obviously they track what is viewed on the web. Look up medicine and side effects? Get pharmacuticals - and their variations :-) coming out of your ears. Look up anything financial? Look out - anything to do with money comes your way. It is sad - especially when it borders on or is offensive. I've been using my blocks more and more.

    Sigh...as if there isn't enough to tackle in our day - now we have to wade through spam, spam, spam...all without Monty Pithon to aid us!! :-)

  2. I used to find it amusing as a lesbian receiving the spam about penis enlargement... but that has stopped.
    Now I get emails from friends email addresses about how they have been mugged in spain and need money immediately so they can pay off the hotel bill and get home.
    I hate these because even tho I know they are not true, they still trigger the emotional reaction I would have if these horrid things happened to my friend.
    I also hate the way they paint foreign countries, foreign people and travel as risky, unsafe, hard and unsympathetic.

  3. Mine all seem about exclusive watches!!!!

  4. Just curious: did the switch from Penis enlargement to strippers happen around the time you posted "Blue Kismet?"

    'Cause in that comment thread, we were all talking about a beautiful woman, who just happens to be a pimp...

  5. Well, there, Mark, they must think that you are already big enough. Get your planner out, let's set a date.

  6. I recently bowed to pressure and removed the word verification function on my blog (although I still moderate comments myself). And while it made my readers happy, I now get a record quantity of spam from just such strange, automated sources. I have no idea what they're trying to sell, or how they think they might accomplish that goal, but I'm thankful that Blogger has a good spam filter, pulling them all out. Sheesh.


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