Friday, August 31, 2012

At The Gallery: Again

A couple days ago, I asked you what you all thought about a piece of art I saw in the National Gallery called, A Blind Man in the Garden. I enjoyed reading the comments and thinking through the reactions. I was going to leave a comment, adding into the discussion, but decided instead to write something a little more extensive. I'd like to lay bare my experience of looking at that picture in the gallery, feeling a little uncomfortable and a lot vulnerable about disclosing my inner dialogue. Even so, here goes ...

I didn't much notice the picture, in amongst so many others, and was rolling by it when the title kind of leapt out at me. I admit, freely, that the title pulled me in and made me look more closely at the picture. I ended up looking at it for a very long time. Questions, like the ones I asked you, bounced around in my head. But, I was having trouble having a reaction to the picture and to its title. I kept thinking, even though I tried not to, how others would respond to what they were seeing. I kept wondering how non-disabled museum goers would react. Would they see it as 'inspiring' or 'hopeful' or worse, would the have a sense of pity for the man who grew flowers that he could not see? Somehow I kept really, really, really caring about how others would react to what I was seeing.

I never, once, during that inner tussle stopped to think about how I responded to the picture, I didn't worry about how other disabled people's reaction. I don't know why I valued and worried about the opinion of non-disabled people.





I know that when we were young and very involved with the gay movement there was much worry about how straight people would perceive things. This was long before pride took hold and we all decided that, en masse, we didn't really give a shit. We WORRIED about, and many were actively prejudiced against, effeminate gay men or butch lesbian women. We WORRIED about people who played into the stereotype, we worried so much that we didn't notice the bigotry that was behind the worry. But we worried.





But here I was, sitting in a gallery, thinking about non-disabled people reacting to an image of a disabled man standing in a garden. Somehow, I don't think he worried about it at all. And, I, knowing that I'd have to think about my experience in the gallery, pushed all that aside and tried to think about what I thought of what I was seeing. I tried to react as simply Dave. And it was hard. But I found that the picture spoke to me BECAUSE of the title. The title made an impact on me and made the image important to me. I began to think about the garden and the man standing in it. I began to think about how he needed no reason to do what he does simply because people don't need to explain why they do what they love, they do what they love because they love doing it. It didn't have to be about the senses. It didn't have to be about the garden at all. It simply could be how he chose to express himself in the world. It had meaning to me because it had meaning to him.

People with disabilities live with meaning.

People with disabilities live with passion.

People with disabilities need explain neither.

This is why I go to galleries This is what art does. It makes me think. It makes me feel. It makes me push aside the noise in my head to find something that can be elusive - me.


  1. I love you Dave

  2. Very surprised to hear you say you "don't know why" you thought about the reaction of non-disabled people. From the outside looking in, it seems to me that much of your daily life is spent in managing, or at least observing, how the disabled and the non-disabled interact. A lot of your posts are centered around people with disabilities and their experience of being 'integrated' -- integrated into what? Or about caregivers/parents/others being educated. Or about the way you or your wheelchair are perceived, respected, or disrespected, while out and about.

    Of course you thought about how this man's photo would be received by the non-disabled observer.

    And I don't believe that thinking about how they would react, necessarily constitutes valuing their opinion unduly. They're just people, and maybe people who, prior to viewing this exhibit, would have assumed a blind man would not want or need to garden. So maybe they came away a little more open-minded, and that's great.

    Interesting post, Dave!

  3. Just rereading my comment above and I fear my tone may come across as eye-rolling or sharp or anything like that; I didn't mean it that way. I was thinking aloud and my voice in my head was saying the sentences not with exasperation, but with a sort of sincere, furrowed-brow pondering-ness!

  4. The beauty is that art makes you wonder and there is no right wondering or right thing to wonder about. I figure its doing it job (art that is,life too) if it makes you wonder. However it makes you wonder. And just too fun to have access, through your blog, to other people's wondering!

  5. Just to let you know I replied a little late to the question before reading this, of you're interested in going back and looking.


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