Wednesday, June 06, 2012

announcements: today's post follows

The new issue of the Direct Support Workers newsletter is out, if you haven't received a copy, you aren't on the mailing list, write me at to be placed on that list. Do not write me at my hotmail address, I can't connect to the list from there. FYI this new issue is called 'Labour Pains' and it's about getting hurt at work ... and strategies to deal with being hurt while caring. A further FYI, if you haven't got it in your email box, you aren't on the list, so even if you requested before, request again.

Vita has a new website and corporate video, check them out you will find information there, you will also find all back issues of the newsletter there.

The video done by students posted yesterday has had the transcript added.

Today's post follows.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dave I got the newsletter and thought it was wonderful. It gives a realistic view of how one feels when the person they are supporting is agressive. Vita must be a wonderful place to work because most places I have worked over the past 30 years tend to be more concerned with laying blame rather than dealing with feeling, It is either the staff's fault or the person receiving support's fault. If it is the staff's fault a black mark is on the employee's file If it is the self advocate's fault then they are either transferred. punished (natural consequences) or moved, Either one of those scenarios could be true but there should be more time teaching staff how to deal with situations and teaching people receiving support alternate ways of expressing themselves.


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