Thursday, May 31, 2012

Welcome Nicole!

Do you all remember some while ago I wrote about doing a speech on 'Disability Pride' to an audience made up of people with disabilities, care providers and families? I remember that day vividly. It's more difficult than you might imagine to do a presentation to such a varied group of people - differing listening styles, differing expectations and differing ways of understanding disability. I agreed to do the talk, knowing it was going to be a challenge for me.

I ended up enjoying the whole experience. Completely enjoying it. I wondered, however, as we drove home, how it was received and how, especially, those with disabilities responded. Well, quite a long while later, I found out. I received an email with an attachment to an article written by a self advocate who had attended the day. Nicole Jeanine Carey was there that day and wrote about the experience of being at the 'Disability Pride' luncheon. I quickly emailed for permission to link to the article.

So for today's blog ... I hand the floor to Nicole.


  1. Fascinating and Marvellous!

    Julia :-)

  2. David - I am so glad that you are getting such positive affirmation that all your hard work makes such a difference. Sometimes we know things in our heads - but our hearts need to hear it too. Keep these treasures in your heart - bring them out and shine them up during times of doubt or trials - when the ugliness is staring you in the face. Truly a mark of a good person is when we leave others better for us being there.

  3. Nicole is terrific and her inspiration and pride is, to me, what we are all striving for as humans in our individual journeys. I am glad that your influence has opened her up for feeling good about who she is, the way she is! Nice way to start my day!

  4. Loved it! Thanks for sharing. Truly hope Shawen and I can hear you speak someday!

  5. Andrea Bastien31 May 2012 at 14:24

    Always making a difference, Dave! Keep up the great work ♣

  6. Woo hoo! Can't wait till this talk gets to the uk.... or I get to where you are presenting it....

  7. Wow, way to go Nicole, and way to go, Dave. To make such a powerful difference has to make for a huge sense of joy in the work you do.

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