Saturday, March 03, 2012

Changing One Thing

I love my readers. I also like making connections when I travel. I especially love when the two overlap so there is kind of a connection. That's happened several times. I come here and see comments from people who's faces I can picture who's voices I have heard. So between those who know me from real contact to those who I know from blog land - it's like I've got all these people out there sending me stuff I'd never normally see. I feel 'up to date' because I'm kept 'up to date'.

Kris sent me this link that I really, really, encourage you to go see today. It's a short documentary, running under ten minutes, wherein people with intellectual disabilities answer the question: 'If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?' I loved it and was inspired by it. I'm thrilled that Kris sent it to me. I was enriched by watching it, I hope you are too.


  1. DearDave:

    Absolutely love it!

    Thank you and Kris for sharing

  2. I enjoyed that very much--thank you for sharing it.


  3. Going to use it Monday for new staff coming into Orientation....speaks volumes and LOVE the responses....

  4. Started my day at breakfast with our local labour council with a poverty advocate guest speaker and feminist perspective... this video is now ending my day and the tears definitely flowed! Thank you so much for sharing.. what an amazing inspiring day!

  5. Wow! Thanks Dave and Thanks Kris

  6. I couldn't stop smiling. Thanks for sharing. It was wonderful to see so many people happy with who they are. I loved it!

  7. Tremendous! I shared this on my blog (hat tip to you)

  8. Giving credit where credit is due, allow me to acknowledge my co-worker Karen, who sent me the link that I forwarded to you.

    Those of us here in central Michigan continue to be grateful that your presentations here in the fall of 2005 inspired us to begin offering Healthy Relationships/Risk Reduction training that continues to this day.

    THANKS, Dave.


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