Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Right Now

Right now I'm eating left over pizza. Double sauce, double cheeze, double hot peppers and pineapple - it's good even cold. I love cold pizza.

Right now I'm flipping through an Italian translation of one of my books, it came out a while ago but I just recieved a copy of it now. I can't read a single word in it but it's very, very cool.

Right now I'm writing an email to a person with whom I had a fight several years ago and with whom bonds have been reestablished. It's a funny, silly email, the kind that you send to people just for fun.

Right now I'm listening to a message on the phone from Ruby. Haven't seen her for awhile so I decided to play it back and giggle when she giggles trying to tell a joke.

Right now I'm listening to the kettle come to boil for a cup of tea. I haven't had a cup for several hours and I'm at the point of desperately needing one.

Right now I'm planning what to have for supper. We both feel like comfort food, not pizza comfort, home cooked comfort so we've just decided on one of our favourites.

Right now I'm thinking about this year's vacation. We've all decided to go somewhere new this year and I'm about to Mapquest the drive to Moncton.

Right now I'm extremely pleased to have a Canadian Blog Award for Best Personal Blog in 2011 on my Blog. I shouldn't have lusted for it, but I did and I'm happy to have readers that bothered to vote!

Right now I'm sitting in my housecoat in my wheelchair at the computer writing my blog. It's a simple blog, purposely so, after all the heavy posts from the last few weeks, it feels right to feel alright.

Right now I'm thinking that a nap might be good. I think I might just let darkness settle snug around us while I'm snuggly snoring in my bed.

Right now is right now and I intend to live now right.


  1. Simple pleasures....nothing better.

  2. Sounds like a nice moment to be in. Enjoy!

  3. You just lightened my spirit as I enter this new day. Thank you for that - and I suspect that the people's whose paths I cross will unknowingly thank you too!

  4. Congratulations on the win Dave!!!! WOO HOO!

    Loved the rest of the blog:) Simple, relaxing times are usually so far and few between. Relish in the good positive vibes!


  5. Congratulations Dave on best Personal blog - you deserve it.

    I love cold pizze too!

  6. Ah, a nice cup of tea and a nap. Is there anything better?

    I think I'll have both now.

  7. Yeay! Congratulations on the Best Personal Blog Award!!! Well deserved. Yahoo!

  8. Just the kind of night I'm having.. right now.

  9. Saw your blog in the list of the best Canadian blogs and would also like to say Congrats! Blogging is fun and easy when you truly enjoy it.


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