Friday, January 06, 2012

Piles of Crumpled Kleenex

I have a cold in my nose.

Talk about a disabling condition!

I think it either unfair or ironic, I don't know which, that, sitting in a wheelchair, I have a runny nose.

So yesterday, after work, we had planned to go and do things. I opted out. Joe was understanding. I curled up on the couch, under a wonderfully warm Bay blanket and read books, watched DVD's and snoozed. It was a day of just trying to get rest to get better.

So dear friends and readers - this is all you are getting today. I'm sorry, I do try to blog daily, but I've nothing to say, nothing to write about, nothing to contribute.

Til tomorrow then.


  1. We all gotta take a break now and then--rest and get well!

  2. Hope you're feeling better soon Dave!

  3. Feel better soon, Dave!

  4. warm wishes for a speedy recovery

  5. Take care of yourself and I hope you're feeling better soon.

  6. Good that you Gold about your cold, otherwise I World have worried! Get well soon!!!

  7. Good that you Gold about your cold, otherwise I World have worried! Get well soon!!!

  8. I ment "told"...
    Sorry my iPad (yes I know the i-things...) put the word Gold in instead...

  9. Get well soon, glad u can take it easy just now. ;-)

  10. Meanwhile, on the other side of the world -

    I, too, have a cold, although mine is in my throat. And I am following the same treatment plan. On the couch. Good book. Rest.

    I hope your cold disappears soon.

  11. Your dedication to your blog is fantastic but we all need a day off. Take your time and rest. Get well soon.

  12. I always think these posts are so funny - posting to tell us you won't be posting. As Seinfeld said in the '90s, about the proliferation of communication technology: "You've gotta give people a chance to miss you a little!"

  13. I hope you are feeling a bit better today.

  14. Hope you feel better soon- Take Care of you.


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