Monday, January 23, 2012

Day of Mourning and Memory: YouTube Update

This was just sent to me, done by a student named Kristine Snider Thank you so much Kristine, I loved it! For those who don't know some People First groups in Canada use a yellow and black ribbon as a symbol of remembrance - this is what's referred to in the video.

Hello again, I am feeling very scattered because of other duties and expectations right now. I'd like, however, to have a resource of all blogs published today about this day. I've read one written by Andrea which has a tremendous amount of information and Amanda's comment on one of the posts here which she has compiled into a blog post of her own. I've also been and read Lene's post of the day, no surprise here she won a Canadian Blog Award as a writer.  I also found on Google a round up of links by Lounalune . I've just been sent another post by reader Myr for inclusion here. And another arrived this morning Gina @ InkyEd! a powerful meditation. I missed one from yesterday, from Kristine's fellow student at Loyalist, life with the belly monster. There are probably more, please put them in the comment section and I'll move them up here where it's easier for people to find them.


  1. Thank you to Kristine Snider for making a video accessible to deaf people: I appreciated being able to read the scrolling text so I could understand the importance of what the day means to you.

    I have now linked to the video (and to lounalune's post and Amanda Bagg's post) from my blog post on the day: Institutionalized Lives of People with Disabilities which posts to various resources that can let people learn more about institutionalization of people with intellectual, psychosocial, physical, and other disabilities around the world and what is being done to end it.

  2. You are very welcome! I will say that most of the wording came from my teacher Colleen Orrick at Loyalist College. I was throwing around the idea of a video for a while since we heard about the day. After asking her about it she suggested I use the wording (she wrote) from the cards our yellow and black ribbons were put on. I am so happy that the word has gotten out, and cannot wait for next year to spread the word even more!

  3. BTW Dave, I am just tickled pink to have my name on such a great blog. Thought you should know! :)

  4. A fellow classmate of mine in the Developmental Services Worker program at Loyalist College in Belleville, On also blogged about today on her blog.

    Her blog also has many other posts about the things we have been learning and the people we have met. I encourage anyone to check it out!

  5. Can anyone suggest a site or a video or some print to help my friend with transitioning from home to a grouphome? He's lived there for two years but now wants to move back home with his mom and dad. I work with him and I want the best for him. Ive seen helps for parents in deciding to let someone leave home but not enough for the person moving out. Thanks.

  6. Thanks for sharing Kristine and Dave....

  7. Dave
    Bravo on creating this opportunity for us all.
    Here's my 2c worth.


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