Saturday, December 24, 2011

How To Wrap A Present

Bobra, a friend of mine, sent me this clip, suggesting that if you don't find this funny, you're dead. Luckily, I found it funny, so the diagnosis is ... I get another day! I've been busy today getting things done and will be rushing about tomorrow. So, I'm giving you this as something you might want to watch.

I will be posting tomorrow, Christmas Day, so please drop by if you've got time.



  1. High-larious! Can't stop laughing...

  2. I am laughing so loud, one of my neighbours rang my door bell and asked if I am okay.

    Very merry Christmas

  3. Looks like I have another day, too!!! So glad you have the same prognosis!

  4. Yay! I'm alive too!


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