Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Manuela Dalla Nora, my boss, my mentor and my friend, died suddenly on Monday night. I want to write her a tribute but right now I want to just be with my grief and be with others affected by this news. I will miss her deeply. I grieve the loss of her in my life and in my future.

Posting here will be suspended for the next several days.


  1. my sincere condolences to both you and Joe. She sounds like a very inspiring person to have known. You are richer for it.

  2. My deepest sympathy; it's always hard to lose someone like that.

    May your memories be a comfort to you.

  3. I 'met' Manuella online late last year and she struck me as a very dedicated, compassionate person. I am so sorry for your loss Dave.

  4. Manuella will be missed by everyone whose lives she touched.

    She was a giant in this field; a brave woman who made a huge impact on the developmental services sector.

    She left this world a better place for having been in it and her legacy will never be forgotten and neither will she. She is grieved deeply.

  5. Having lost two acquaintances in the past fortnight - people I knew in passing and whose company I enjoyed but didn't know well enough too call a friend and in one case hadn't seen for years - I've been hit hard and hurting. I can't imagine how much more you and everyone else who knew and loved Manuella must be hurting. Simply through knowing her via your blog she seemed like an amazing woman. She'll be remembered fondly and missed.

    Holding you all close in my thoughts. Take time to regroup and don't worry about the blog, we'll be here for you when you're ready. Emma

  6. I am so sorry for your loss.

  7. You are in our prayers, Dave. Take all the time you need.

  8. Im am so sorry for your loss.

    Julia (from Germany)

  9. I am so sorry.

  10. Very sorry and saddened to hear of your loss Dave. Thinking of you and Joe at this time. Will be here upon your return. xo

  11. I am so sorry Dave. What a great loss - for developmental services, for the Vita family, for you and Joe personally. My prayers are with you and with her family. God give you grace to comfort those around you.

    No-one will ever take Manuela's place. It will take all of us to pick up her torch and run with it with all our might. It's up to each of us to do our part and carry on. Thank you God, for the gift of an incredible person, a wonderful friend, a cutting edge leader.

    I am praying for you and Joe and the Vita family.

  12. I am so sorry for your loss Dave. I never had the pleasure of meeting her but I can tell from the way you talk about her that she was an exceptional person. My thoughts and prayers are with you and everyone else who loves Manuela.

  13. My thoughts and sympathies are with all who mourn Manuella.

  14. Take the time you need, Dave. I am so sorry. I didn't know of her but I'm sure she was a remarkable person. Many virtual hugs and actual prayers to all of you.

  15. Manuela's passing is of great loss to all of those who were looking forward to learning from her. My thoughts are with all those who are grieving with her passing.

  16. I have no words to even touch this loss. Am lighting a candle and sending loving thoughts to you and Joe and to those who Manuela touched.

  17. I am so sorry to hear of this, Dave. I know she meant a lot to you.

  18. I'm so sorry to see this - from what you've written about her she was clearly a remarkable woman.

  19. Dear Dave:

    My sincere sympathies to you and Joe. Just from reading your blog, I know that Manuella was an amazing woman and leader in human services.

    You do what you need to do to take care of yourselves. We will still be here when you feel ready to blog again.


  20. I am so sorry to learn of Manuela's passing. From her comments on this blog, I knew her to be an inspiration to you and to the agency.

  21. Dave and Joe,
    Others have such better words than I. I am so sorry for your loss. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  22. Thinking of you and Manuella's family at this sad time. Don't even worry about blogging.. take all the time you need.

  23. The influence of Manuella's life and work has been a blessing to many. My deepest sympathy to all in Vita and personal condolenses to you and Joe. A terrible loss xx

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  25. Dear Dave and Joe, and all the Vita members,

    So sad to hear this news.
    God Bless.

  26. I am so sorry to hear of your loss, Dave, it is hard for those of us left behind. Manuella left a legacy that is still changing the world.


  27. I'm so sorry to hear that. Thinking of you.

  28. I'm so sorry Dave. The sudden absence is so disorienting, isn't it?


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