Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Broken of Britain: Blog Announcement

Rolling Around in My Head (that would be me) will be taking part in the
Broken of Britain blogswarm. My post will be up on Saturday. This three day blogswarm is inviting participants from around the world ... click on the link to find out more.

Today's post follows:


  1. oh wow, wonderful wonderful, there needs to be a waking up of people over here.

    The abolition of ILF, the review of DLA, the growing attitude of the disabled as being "unproductive" and workshy, the recent call to not give those who are frail and elderly "unnecessary" medication.

    I kid you not I heard a social worker refer to those with disabilities as unproductive and I was so so angry and didn't know what to do. It just seems to be impossible to make us Brits do anything.

    I hope to blog in relation to this and to highlight it at least.

  2. Thank you so much for posting this. And thanks to everyone who reads this and/or supports us.


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