Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bob and His Contest

I got so excited when I saw them, I just simply forgot. In the joy of discovery that only those with the true 'shopper gene' have, I rushed to purchase. I pictured my pleasure being ultimately reflected on the face of two others. Gift giving is cool, particularly gifts for no reason - just because. What did I find? I found six tins of sugar free mints each with a different logo from a different British Football Club: Chelsea, Arsenal, Manchester United, Celtic, Liverpool, Rangers. We were visiting Mike's son, Joseph, who is a huge football fan and were going to give them to him almost right after buying them. The other set I bought for Bob, the superintendent of our building.

Only after buying them and rolling out to the car did I realize that Bob died a few months ago and our building has a completely different set of staff. Odd, though, how in the joy of the moment, someone came alive again, vividly alive. Odd, though, how people stay stuck in our minds. How people, unstuck, live again for a few moments. I remembered sitting waiting for the WheelTrans bus outside chatting with Bob and having him remember his time in the UK and how Football was something he really, really, enjoyed.

So I had a gift of six tins for Bob. Somehow, I think Bob is somewhere laughing, both at my folly and at the sheer pleasure of being remembered, again.

What would Bob have me do ...

I think he would want me to give them to someone who loves Football. So if you are a Football fan anywhere in the world, write a comment and I'll put everyone's name in a hat and pull out a winner and send them to you.

This reminds me, 'Home Safe: Keeping people with disabilities safe in services' has just been released. I owe someone a copy of it, someone who won a cover contest, you know who you are - could you send me your address again and it will go out in the next days mail. Sorry about this but I am not only physically disabled, I am also organizationally impaired.

Good luck to those who enter ... how about this, I'll take entries for four days.


  1. Nice idea, the contest. I'm not a football fan, so I'm not commenting to enter. But I wanted to say I totally understand your momentarily forgetting that your friend was no longer among us. It was nearly five years after my mom died, before I stopped picking up the phone to call her about something cute the kids did, or to ask her a question about that family recipe. Oh, she's still around, just not in any phone company's service coverage area. Incidentally, she wasn't a football fan either, but she really loved mints. :)

  2. I enjoy the game, but don't know much of anything about it. However, I have tons of football fans in my middle school ESL classes, and I'd happily pass the goods on to them. :)

  3. Great idea. I've got my fingers crossed!

  4. Great idea. I've got my fingers crossed.

  5. But none from Leeds United, the greatest team ever!!

    Tut tut Dave

  6. Hi Dave! I want you to know that I LOVE reading your blog. It's wonderful to read something written that is so clear, concise, to the point and absolutely the most honest, gut-wrenching writing I have ever put my eyes to. I hate to say it, but if I were disabled, I don't know that I'd be as strong as you. I have a brother who is deaf & he is considered by some to be disabled. There are those who want him to get a cochlear implant & learn to speak, so he can be "normal" Can you believe that? He refuses to change to make others comfortable. Even though the technology exists. He actually had the implant put in, then wondered why. He doesn't use it. I'm glad you refuse to make others comfortable as well. Your post about advocating for yourself was very very well written. All those things are important. I can only hope that I see more of that, and that I see more of business owners realizing that just because a person is in a wheelchair or needs an accommodation, does not make them less of a person, less important, or less influential. Because, you influence me. And, I'm certain, you have had an influence on many others. Keep doing what you are doing. I will keep enjoying your writing and admiring you for standing up & speaking truthfully. Thank you.

  7. Dave, at the end of the day I'm sure Bob would be thrilled that you called it "Football" and not "Soccer"

  8. Hi Dave
    I'd love to be included in the draw. I'd give the prize to my 6 year old nephew who is soccer mad.
    He had such a good time during the summer with the world cup.
    Love Linda ( LinMac)

  9. LinMac, you won the draw. Send me your address to my hotmail account and it will go out to you next week. Congratulations!


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