Thursday, June 03, 2010

Blatent Self Promotion and a Blog Announcement

I'm going to be doing two series of trainings, one on Behaviour and one on Sexuality, up in the Peterborough area this summer. I wanted to let readers from Ontario know so that those who want to register can do so. Go ahead and call Patty Barnes to get more information or to register.

Note to Readers: Joe and I have a very busy couple of weeks ahead of us with lots to accomplish. My posting here may be sporadic or may even stop for a few days. I've been writing this blog for a long time and I think we could all use a few days break.

For The First Time in The Peterborough Area!!!


Sex, Sexuality and Sex Education

The issue of sexuality of people with disabilities still brings confusion, disagreement and concerns. This four day course will bring clarity to the issue by dealing with myths and misconceptions and providing concrete tips and strategies for assisting people with disabilities. A fast and fun four days that is perfect for front line staff who are working directly with people with disabilities who have questions or concerns regarding sexuality. Perfect for those needing information. Perfect for those wanting to develop their skills. Perfect for those who want to feel more comfortable with those in their care.

Instructor: Dave Hingsburger

The Dates:

July 22: Myths and Misconceptions

July 23: Healthy Sexuality

July 28: Preventing Victimization

July 29: Sex Education

The Cost:

$325 per person

The Location:

Comfort Inn and Suites - Peterborough
1209 Lansdowne St. W.

Register by calling or emailing Patty Barnes

705.728.9143 x0
For The First Time in The Peterborough Area!!!




Problem behaviour can drain staff energy and destroy the moral of a team. This four day seminar is aimed at giving front line staff new understanding of problem behaviour. The workshop is practical, fun, and inspiring. It aims at teaching tools and techniques to understand and deal with behaviour that can be confusing and frightening. This is our eighth year of running the institution and the first year we have located the series in the Peterborough area. Perfect training for staff who work with individuals with problem behaviour! Perfect training for staff who wish to increase skills and capacity to serve a broad range of individuals! Perfect for staff who simply need a few new ideas!

Instructed by: Dave Hingsburger

The Dates:

July 8th: Communication

July 9th: Understanding Problem Behaviour

July 15th: Developing Positive Strategies

July 16th: Putting it All Together

The Cost:

$325 per person

The Location:

Comfort Hotel and Suites - Peterborough
1209 Lansdowne St. W.

Register Today by calling

Patty Barnes 705-728-9143 x0

or email at


  1. Dave, I think we first met at your very first "Summer Institute" in Barrie when I signed up for the Sex course... and I'm still blushing a little! :) That must have been about 9 years ago. Can it be?

    That was one of the best investments of four days I've ever made. What an awesome opportunity for people again this summer. And worth every penny. I had so much fun that it didn't feel like "work" - not at all - and yet I learned SO MUCH. It was an incredible experience. Hmmm. I wonder if I could talk my agency into sending me again....

  2. Dave as much as I love Thunder Bay in the summer you make me wish I was closer to Peterborough

  3. I had a great time at both trainings you held in Barrie a couple of years ago - very informative too. I even got up the nerve to wear pink devil horns to the last sexuality session. :)

  4. That's an excellent price on the workshop.Wish I was closer.

  5. Hey Dave, Enjoy the break from blogging, but know that you are missed in my world.


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