Friday, March 26, 2010

Another Post!

Hey, for those readers who can cope with two Hingsburger posts on one day, I wrote a piece, for personal reflection and sent it to my friend Belinda. It's on faith and my relationship with God. Belinda asked if she could post it. I said, 'Sure'. It's up over at Belinda's Blog if anyone has a mind to read it, drop by and say 'Hey' to Belinda.


  1. I'm having a it's 2 am and I can't sleep night, so I got up and turned on my computer and checked your blog and found these two blogs. Was a reminder for me that I need to ck in with my relationship with God......and to just listen with my heart instead of all the chatter that's in my head.

  2. My old work: never.

    Bringing up concerns just led to passive-aggressive abuse.


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