Friday, July 10, 2009

Rolling Takes Over

I knew that some of the readers of Rolling Around are true fans. Some have told me that they photocopy the blogs for team members in their serives. Others have told me tha they've colected everyone from the first ad have a 1000 plus book to use to read and refer to. OK, I guess. It's nice that people like that. But this I've known about you for a long time.

Today I learned something different. As I checked in to Gravenhurst Muskoka Wharf Residence Inn, the hotel I've written about reacently, eveything was proceeding normaly. The the General Manager said, 'Thank you for your blog.' I got embarassed, I never thought it would get back to him. He told me that he began receiving calls. He joked that a call from out of the blue was normally a complaint to be dealt with. He had to get used to the kindly things been said.

Later Joe went out for a walk, my summer school is tireing me. so I sayed to simply enjoy quiet. This room is higher and we have a spectacular views. I saw him strolling over to see what restaurants and facilities they had. On his way back to the hotel one of the housekeepers saw him and asked him if he was staying i an accessible room. He said he was. 'Are you Dave?' she asked. Joe told her that i was in my room. She then excited told him that she had read my blog and how pleased she was.

So Rolling Readers, thanks for picking up the phone call to talk to the people here. I think that a phone call of thanks cna be poltically more powerful than a phone call for any other reason. And of course, I'll remember you have this little habit.


  1. "a phone call of thanks cna be poltically more powerful than a phone call for any other reason."

    And yet so often it is the umbrage, outrage and adrenalin derived from these, that spurs us to pick up phone or pen!

    How good when gratitude and appreciation prompt action too. Well done fellow Rollers who are helping shape the world with phone calls of encouragement.

  2. The whole town will be buzzing. Knowing Gravenhurst, the news has spread already well past the hotel and I am sure there are folks at the other places taking a look at their own offerings wondering how accessible they are. Way to go readers! PS. Dave did you test before you wrote? your typing looks like you were low!

  3. Credit where credit is due!
    Do you have that saying in Canada Dave? I am a believer if someone is getting it right we need to tell them....and the converse is true.

    I send Heidi at Frog Hollow bookstore in Halifax a link to your recent post in May. She remembered you both and thanked me cos the post made her day!

  4. Hi Dave,

    I was one of the regular readers who called the GM- he could not have been more delighted- a very charming fellow who was genuinely joyous in his reaction.


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