Friday, June 26, 2009


It's been a wistful day.

There's a problem with working with people so much younger than yourself. To wit, they are younger that you. They have so much more life ahead of them, so many paths yet to choose, so may options not yet closed. As such sometimes they decide to talk to someone older (that would be me for those not following) and twice today two youngish people came in to talk to me about their hopes for their future.

Each has a very specific set of goals. Each has direction. I think that they wanted, most of all, just to say out loud what they want to do and acheive. I love these moments in that I feel so honoured to be allowed the opportunity to listen and encourage. It's very cool to be seen as open enough and kind enough to create the safety necessary for dreaming.

Yet, at the same time, it makes me aware that I'm at a very different place in my life. True there are still options but you and I both know that they are different. For better or worse I've made my decisions and trod my path. The excitement of not knowing the better way and choosing anyways is still fresh in my mind.

I am happy with my life and where I have gone. I am happy to go where I have yet to go. I know all that. Even so I still hold fast to those early dreams I had for myself, unrealized, improbable, wonderful dreams. They are stored in a corner of my heart with other precious things. I am happy, but that doesn't matter, because every now and then I sit back and wonder about the roads I never took ...


  1. Kris Stableford26 June 2009 at 02:17

    Think I know what you mean. Reminds me of a long-ago TV commercial for car shopping. First shot is of a screen filled with cars, then only the small cars, then only the small red cars...the point being that our choices are gradually narrowed down. Still CHOICES (and we know we are lucky to have a say, as many don't, or not enough), but there's always that "road not taken" itch. Thanks, as usual, for making me think.


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