Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Victoria Day

It was freezing cold this holiday Monday.

But you know what I did?

We went to a mall.

We bought a blanket.

I snuggled under it.

And slept.

God bless cold and rainy days.


  1. You forgot to mention that you also changed the look of your blog Dave. Bit of a shock but I do like it.

    It's getting colder here now and I don't want to get out of bed every morning! So good on you for snuggling mate :-)


  2. Nice surprise, the change!

    And snuggling under blankets is decandent and good too! Only four more days until the next weekend. Yeay!

  3. Here's a thought...

    In just a few short weeks, we'll be cursing the humidity and hiding behind our air conditioners.

    Gotta love Canadian weather!

    (Nice new look on the blog, btw!)

  4. It was 106 F here on Sunday. 95 today.

  5. What's the next book to read in the CTF book club?

  6. Eh I thought I was reading someone else's blog. I was in shock. Might take me some time to get used to but the text is the most important thing, so....Have a goood holiday!

  7. It was cold, cold, cold here in Name-of-Town-Withheld as well. I should have spent more time snuggling under a blanket!


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