Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Sign On The Road

Today on our way to the next hotel, yet another hotel, we drove by a place that advertised 'adult fantasies'. Hmmm, I thought as we drove by a parking lot unusually full for mid morning. I know what they 'wink wink' mean by adult fantasies. Here in the hotel they have a channel that offers adult fantasies too. In the advertising there is a picture of a woman with painfully huge breasts who looks like she'd just been basted in oil. She is looking out at me with a 'come hither little boy' smile on her plump full lips.

I flipped by the channel and found something else. Later, we brought the room to silence to read for a couple of hours. I began to think about 'adult fantasies' ... I personally don't want to be impaled on torpedo breasts or end up on the floor after sliding off oily skin. I don't see these as 'adult fantasies' at all ... teen fantasies maybe - but not adult.

Playing with the idea of adult fantasies was kind of fun, but I had difficulty leaving the teen years. Win a lottery, OK nice images come from that one but they are hardly adult. When I did try really hard and came up with things like 'world peace' I sounded a bit too much like a beauty queen.

So what is my ultimate adult fantasy? I pictured coming out to the car this morning and navigating a dangerous ramp down to the pavement. That's it. My adult fantasy is ULTIMATE AND UNIVERSAL ACCESSIBILITY - in employment, in architecture, in opportuntity, in education, in ... well, everything. I pictured none left out, none facing barriers of prejudice, of high curbs and low expectations.

I pictured going into workplaces and seeing those with a variety of disabilities performing alongside workers from a variety of places with a variety of beliefs from a variety of backgrounds. I pictured never having to wonder if I could get in. I pictured never having to wonder if I would fit in. I pictured a society that recognized the normalcy of abnormacy.

It's a wonderful adult fantasy ... That's mine ... what's yours?


  1. May adult fantasy is to see all my (children and) grandkids as happy productive adults.Yes, and peace in the middle east. Afraid that one will be a hell of a lot harder than the first.

  2. My adult fantasy is to earn my own money doing what I most love, writing. I'm fortunate to live in a country where where disabled people are looked after well; financially and otherwise, but I don't really want to be dependent on benifits for the rest of my life.

  3. My adult fantasy is that we will all look into the eyes of others and only see people like us.

    I believe that we were all made in God's image. He makes no mistakes and we all bear the same family resemblance. We are brothers and sisters and I have a responsibility to you, to celebrate you and love, support, care for and defend you if needed.

    If this sounds like a beauty queen, then I'll take that for a day! :)

  4. My adult fantasy is that we find both a prevention and a cure for autism.

    I see so many (with more to come) trapped inside with an inability to communicate their thoughts and needs and unable to have satisfying relationships with others.

    I can assure you I am not a beauty queen.

  5. I would love to live in a world,

    where there is no hunger or starvation,

    Where every child is able to live happily, safely and carelessly.

    Where every living being is respected and loved without any form of discrimination.

    (and all these rules should apply for all living creatures - humans,animals and plants)

  6. Princeton Posse27 May 2009 at 14:23

    My fantasy is a world without pain..of any kind...

  7. My adult fantasy is for acceptance, unconditional acceptance.

  8. My adult fantasy is still a naked woman. Much respect to the rest of you.

  9. J. Peasemold Gruntfuttock28 May 2009 at 09:25


    I'll keep my autism *and my difficulties, if that's the only choice, and if it's all the same to you. (I can use language, sometimes. Perhaps that means I'm not'trapped', and my opinion doesn't count?)

  10. I'll have to give some more thought to exactly what my adult fantasy is... But I really appreciate that your fantasy isn't about curing disability and "fixing" people; it's about sincerely accepting and loving people. It's not about changing the disability, but changing the world. I love it. :)

  11. I want my children and others like them to be valued for who they are not for who they "might have been" had they not been born the way they are.

    That and an eternally skinny pill for me. That's pretty much it. ;-)

  12. My adult fantasy is inclusion. True inclusion, not just tolerance of those are different. Dream big or stay home. Dave you came to speak at the place I work and this was just after I sat at the bedside of one of my dearest "Clients" (I called him friend as did many at our agency)and I held his hand as he passed on. At his funeral I was so intent on getting through the Eulogy without losing it I failed to hear what the representatives from his church were saying about him. On the way home my partner who had come to the funeral to pay her respects and to support me had said how angry she was that the people from his church thought of him as BROKEN because of his disablities. I spoke with another friend a few days later who had mentioned the same thing about the funeral service. It is so difficult to teach others about the worth of an individual when they cannot see past the wheelchair. I know that those who eulogised him that day GOT IT and I hope the members of the church LISTENED. So yes I have a fantasy that all will be included and treated as eqauls in every sense of the words.


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