Thursday, July 03, 2008

Mini Vacation

For the first time in the history of Chewing the Fat, I'm going to take a blog breather. I'm finding myself sitting at the computer struggling to write something just because I post daily. For the next while, I'm going to post occasionally, when something strikes me. I want to have a bit of a vacation and thusly I'm gonna pull back a bit. Just for a couple months. I'll go back to daily posting first week of September, so pop by occasionaly over the next few weeks and you'll find something here now and then. To those south of the border, we've had a wonderful Canada Day up here, have an independance day worthy of the name - make sure that those who can't, can for the day.

Ta, gentle readers, see you again, regularly, in September and occasionally during the summer months.


  1. Have a good break, Dave. Everyone needs one now and then!

  2. Whew! This will give me a chance to go back over past CTF posts and pick out my favourites!

    God bless your break, Dave!

  3. Enjoy your blog vacation. You deserve it!

  4. I don't know how you've posted so faithfully and with such quality of thought and writing. This is the sane thing to do and I for one, wouldn't mind if you liked it so much that you kept up the habit in September.

    But you know what you're doing don't you?

    Intermittent reinforcement!

    Yes, we'll all be here every day--just checking! :)

  5. I'll miss you Dave, but you deserve a break. Take good care and enjoy settling into your new place.


  6. I don't know if you're aware of it but you have at least 20 readers subscribed to your blog - so we will know whenever you update :)

  7. Have a wonderful break! You definitely deserve it.

  8. Have a great and refreshing vacation! Your posts are exceptional every single day. Look forward to hearing from you later.

  9. Enjoy your blog holiday and the rest of your summer!

    I will miss having my lunch with you every day but I can't think of anyone more deserving of a break!


  10. Excellent idea. We'd rather you have a well deserved break than a burn-out. Enjoy your summer (we're freezing here in winter) with Joe in your new home back in the big smoke. Sending love and rest to both of you through the cables.

  11. No fair, I just discovered this site today! LOL. I WILL look forward to your return, very interesting blog - well written and thought invoking.


  12. Will miss you and your thoughts....I am going to use this time to review the archives of CTF and as reader Susan indicated, pick out favorites....Enjoy your break!

  13. Yes, Belinda is right. Even though I read your post yesterday, I had to check back today just to make sure you really meant it!

    I'll miss you each morning, and hope that you have a peaceful, renewing, enjoyable break.


  14. I haven't read blogs for a few days so was shocked to see this post...I can't believe you're doing it! Taking a break! Good for you. I look forward to your sporadic posts in the summer.


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