Sunday, May 25, 2008


We pulled the car into the driveway of the Marriott in Victoria's Inner Harbour and got out. Joe assembled the wheelchair and arranged for the valet guy to bring our luggage up to the room and then I went in to check in. We have this down to an art now. When checking in I'm asked for information about the car, beside make I put 'white, pretty' ... this isn't good enough for the clerk. Joe comes over and tells her more officially what the make is. I don't know cars.

The lobby is full of a tour group of American tourists. A number were waiting to go out on a tour and others were spilling out of the bar and heading, like us, for the elevator. Joe remembers something in the car and asks me to wait while he goes back to the car. I wait in the lobby listening to the buzz of conversation and watching the ebb and flo of the other guests. They look like they are having fun.

I notice a couple standing together with a small group. The woman is staring at me eyes watery from booze. I turn my chair a bit to try to break her gaze but her eyes won't leave me. Not until Joe comes back in from the car. As I push myself over to the elevator I soon find that she and her husband are beside us getting into the elevator car.

She is on one side of me, he the other, Joe is standing beside the buttons. I can smell beer and cigarettes and can feel her eyes burning a hole in the top of my head. Then she taps me on the shoulder and I look up at her.

She smiles.

A weak smile.

"At least you have a nice car," she says.

Her remark strikes me as funny. I must have been a bit tired from the lecturing. I must have been a bit of kilter in my head, because I just found that extremely funny. I started to laugh. Really laugh. Joe's laugh joins in. Suddenly the two of us are both almost crying we're laughing so hard.

She and her husband, both, take real offense to this. I hear her mutter something to him but couldn't for the life of me tell you what it was. The sound of our laughing drowned out anything they said.

At our floor Joe pulls me out as I'm helpless. I haven't laughed like this for a long time. It hurts. She glares at me and I simply wave at her.

In our room I look at myself in the mirror and say, "At least you have a nice car," and we're off again.


  1. Hmmm...what happens if you have a piece of crap car? Then what makes up for having a disability? Hmmm!!!

  2. Hey, gracie1956 - the car was a rental! Our real car is a crap car. Thanks ...

  3. Isn't humour amazing and so inexplicable? How can we explain what triggers such helpless laughter, and how fortunate for this sad woman that your response was laughter and not cutting wit, as it might easily have been. She would have found that harder to bear than the laughter I think.

  4. How bizarre, the way that some people just assume that every disabled person goes around being depressed all the time and needs help looking on the good side of things. And even more bizarre that when disabled people give signs of actually NOT being perpetually depressed, they get *offended* instead of being relieved that their "help" wasn't actually needed after all!

    Sometimes the mind set of certain non-disabled people just doesn't make sense to me!

    I wonder what that woman would have said if she had seen your "real" car!

  5. Drunk people are often highly amusing...and easily offended.

  6. stupid woman - well done for laughing at her.


  7. Dave, missed you today! And, strangely enough...I think I might have been channelling you when I posted just now.

    Hope you're well.

  8. hahahaha well.... I have absolutely no smart remarks to make in response to that.

    But I would have laughed, too!

  9. Story about the car.


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