Monday, November 28, 2011 post up

Hi, I've a new post on As before, it will appear here on Tuesday, it's one that I took a fair time mulling over and will appreciate discussion and feedback. I also need to say that I'm glad that has given space to disability issues.


trainspotter said...

I love this article and think you beautifully articulated the struggle and fears that so many people with disability face!

As the parent of a child with "low-functioning" autism, I hope for a world where my daughter will be accepted, and loved, for who she is. My husband and I fight hard to have others see and respect her for her unique contributions to the world and not see her as "just another mouth to feed".

As a person with 'closeted' Bipolar1, however, I hide everyday a part of who I am. I live in fear that admitting this (in the 'real' world) will cause me to loose credibility in a world that I have worked so hard to live in and contribute to. The fact that I'm stable and responsible means nothing to those who fear bipolars. And if I was honest, how many people would start to wonder if my daughter's autism was 'real autism' and not the result of me traumatizing her with some crazy bipolar weirdness?! I can't even convince a life insurance company to ensure me!

I promote an ideal to my children that I don't even believe is possible myself. How many others are trying to fight while simultaneously hiding? It's hard to gain 'territory' that way.

Belinda said...

An excellent article. I just listened to a podcast of a CBC radio program. The Sunday Edition, The Gristle in the Stew. It's about an apology being demanded...

Belinda said...

Another link on the topic: