Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I Need Your Opinion

I'm toying with an idea. I'm thinking of allowing Google Ads on Chewing the Fat - they say the ads with be in concert with the content of the blog. I've just got a note from a guy with a disability who wants to promote his new book on 'Fat' ... and, though I want to read it first, I think that's a reasonably good thing to do with the blog.

But I'm uncertain.

May I ask you for your opinions please. How do you feel about ads on blogs? Do you think that this would harm the purpose of 'Chewing the Fat' or do you think it would enhance it? I'm of two minds ... so I could use yours.

Thanks for letting me know.



Susan said...

I wouldn't care. Literally. I wouldn't care. I wouldn't even notice.

Unless, of course, I knew the ads were things you were endorsing, then I would take a very quick look.

The next time I ran across one in the video store, I picked up a copy of "The Miracle Worker" simply because I noticed it listed as a favourite movie on your profile. (Hey did you get a royalty for that?) That's the power of "advertising" - intended or not!

Dave Hingsburger said...

Oh, man, I love that movie ... the version with Patty Duke as Hellen Keller ... I have to know Susan, did you like the movie?

august said...

I have extensive experience with AdSense and can tell you that the ads will be highly targeted to be relevant to your blog.

If you see an ad you don't like, you can filter it out easily.

If you are worrying about the ads being intrusive, then just stick to text ads and you should be fine.

Feel free to get in touch if you need any help.

Alex said...

My apologies, I posted with the wrong account. My appropriate contact details should be listed here on this one.

Anonymous said...

The internet, much like TV, is now consumed with advertisments. As an Internet guru of sorts I have noticed the change over the years and watched as websites get consumed with ads. However, I think if they are appropriate for your site, and bring acknowlodgement to others in the same field who we may not hear about otherwise, then it is a good idea.

Anonymous said...

Some people who have blog ads will post a text box as a disclaimer to explain that although the ads are "targeted" they are not always appropriate (e.g. getting ads for bogus autism "cures" on an autism advocacy blog).

You'll need to discuss how to create that standing text box on your block with your local blogging geek, or you can email me.

Personally, I think ads for your books would be more appropriate!


Anonymous said...

I vote "no" on the ads...unless you really need the money. I find them really distracting and annoying. They make a blog less accessible.

clumsy ox said...

I've no problem with ads on a blog. I remember Shan was somewhat Angst-ridden when she posted ads on hers, but they're tasteful, understated, and haven't caused any distraction that I've noticed. In fact, I just double-checked her blog, because I couldn't remember where her ads were. That's the ideal ad: there for people who need it, unobtrusive to those who'd rather not see it.

I say try it out, if it doesn't seem to fit the general ambience, take them down. Just avoid anything tacky: text-only line ads by Google are (to me) as tasteful as advertising gets.

Anonymous said...

As long as you are quickly filtering the ads I don't see a problem. However there is often ads about prenatal testing or termination on Down syndrome boards. Or, the bogus cure thing too. Yes it will pick ads that are relevant to your blog... disability, down syndrome, abuse. But, they may not be relevant in a way that you would like. "Cure down syndrome, prevent down syndrome, eliminate down syndrome, etc"

Here is one board with google ads:

There are a few others but they aren't loading at the moment.

It is your blog, you do what you wish. Your readers will still be reading. :)

Kei said...

I've found some interesting things when my curiousity is peaked by ads or recommendations are on sites I visit. Often things I would have missed otherwise, but am glad to have found.

Anonymous said...

I suspect that the ads deamed "in line" with your blog may be connected to words that pop up a lot. Like sex...
I think its like playing with Pandora's box. You may not get exactly what you expect. And the flse cures would definately upset me.

Anonymous said...

I am a new reader but I vote no for adding ads. I would personally prefer if you had a box for recommendations that would include things people sent you. There are ads everywhere. I dislike seeing ads on blogs. If I were reading your book or public journal on paper there wouldn't be ads (I hope). I won't stop reading though if you decide to go ahead with ads.

Anonymous said...

Well Dave, it's your blog and I am fine with anything you decide. I am sure if the ads don't meet with your approval, you will do something about it.


Susan said...

I not only liked the movie, I loved it, and added it to my own list of favourites. Patty Duke's one and only Academy Award was certainly well deserved. The cinematography in black and white was stunning, the acting believable and the screenplay very close to Helen Keller's auto-biography. But the best part was the message... That there can be a lot more in someone than first meets the eye and it can just take patience and persistence, and faith in the person's hidden and unknown abilities. No wonder it's one of your favourite movies... As I'm writing about it, it stirs up all kinds of memories of your new "Connections" seminar -which was one of the best investments of a day's time I've ever made and would recommend to anyone... In fact I plan to go again - and take as many people with me as I possibly can. (There's another ad for you.)

P.S. An addendum to "my opinion"... Dave, I have wondered at how and why we would get all this benefit of your life's work and experience for FREE when it's cost you so much to learn it - and much of what you share is essentially how you earn your livelihood. I think if you can get some compensation through advertising then go for it. It's your blog for goodness sake. Whatever you decide, you have this reader's continued support and respect.

Glenda Watson Hyatt said...

Funny you ask this, Dave. I was considering asking my readers the exact question as I'm unsure whether or not to add ads to my blog. I love blogging, but it is a lot of work and is time consuming. It'd be nice to make some money. Perhaps I'll wait for you to take the leap and see what the response is. :)

Shan said...

Ads don't have to be distracting or annoying, and done properly they don't inhibit access to your blog content. But you should be aware that people have to click on them to actually make you any money. So if a lot of people comment cheerfully "Oh don't worry! I never even see them!" you might want to make them slightly more prominent.

I've had the ads for almost one year, and have been paid only twice. They pay you when you get to $100. I think you have more readers than I do, though.

Anonymous said...

Dave until I heard you speak and actually tell your audience that you had a blog I had never looked one up or read it.
So far yours is the first and only blog I've ever read. I am really enjoying your take on life and living well. Advertising is fine by me so long as I don't have to sort through the ads to find your entries.

Karen Putz said...

I have both Adsense and Amazon products on my blog. Adsense sends me a check now and then and I consider that my "going out to dinner money." I limit Adsense to text words on top of the blog and one sidebar ad. With Amazon, I recommend books that I think would be helpful or enjoyable. Amazon takes a much longer time to amass a check.